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Own Your Purpose

                                                                                          by Kimberly Miner

                                                                              Founder/CEO Envision You

                                                       Do you ever wonder what your purpose is and where you are

                                                       going? We’re all looking for a purpose that will justify why we
                                                       go through the motions each day. We actually don’t have to look

                                                       very far because “what you are looking for is within you”.

                                                       Reflect on the biggest challenges that have occurred in our lives.

                                                       As with all challenges, worry, anxiety, sleepless nights, and stress
                                                       may have played a role.

        Resilience  is  what  makes  us  thrive.  There is a quote that I refer to often,  Kimberly  Miner  is  a  transformati onal

        Whether or not that particular venture  “the  only  thing  standing  between  speaker and consultant, and creator of

        was  successful  doesn’t  matter.    It’s  dreams and reality…is actions.”  We’ve  the  Envision  You:  The  Transformati on
        human nature to be reactive and, in  all had stories of our own where the  Starts  Here  women’s  summit.  Having

        the craziness, forget what we truly are  lack of action has undoubtedly stood  had  a  successful  career  in  corporate
        capable weathering.                  between the dream we had and our  sales, Kim launched her own company
                                             reality.                             The Kimberly Miner Network where she
        We are right now in a time that we can                                    empowers  others  in  putting the  pieces

        actually build  momentum and invest  None of us are alone in feeling helpless  together in their lives.
        in our greatest asset—OURSELVES.     or disheartening in our personal
                                             yearn  for  purpose  and  success.  To   Her podcast The Kimberly Miner Podcast
        Be in a resilient mindset, which is the  own  your  purpose  is  to  own  every   Your Best You reaches more than 9,000
        ability to adapt and bounce back when  accomplishment  and  every  adversity   listeners a week. Kim has been featured
        things don’t go as planned.  Learn from  with  a  badge  of  honor.  It’s  when   in the media, including cover story  and

        mistakes  and  move  forward  rather  you  take  ownership  of  all  of  it  that   articles in iNetpreneur Magazine, Voyage

        than wallow or dwell on failures.    opportunities  begin  to  unfold.  You   Phoenix,  Award  Nomination  For  Top

                                             are your greatest asset—until we take   100  Leaders  in  Education  for  Women

        Resilient  mindset  is  a  choice,  and  ownership of all aspects of ourselves   in Business, Winning Leadership: Seven
        each  time we  are  confronted with  a  fi nding our authenti c purpose will be   Secrets  for  Employee  Champions  and

        situation  we  can  “breakdown”  and  muddled at best.                    Sale Superstars, Guest Speaker at Own
        have a “breakthrough” or just “break                                      Your Own Body Summit, Host Panelist

        down”.                               Your  “personal  adversity”  is  the   iNetwork Expo, Messages of Inspiration,
                                             problem—it’s  your  resiliency  and   Hope & Support Virtual Event, Co-host
        “We do not learn from experience...we  buoyancy that’s going to provide YOU   on TogiNet Radio Show “Your Future is
        learn from reflecting on experience.”    the moment to do your best. Each of   Now”, C-Suite Network Thought Council

        —John Dewey                          you already have the solid foundation   Forum,  Training  Director  for  Speakers

                                             that  you  need  to  thrive—sometimes   Pathway   Coalition   Certification,

        With  reflection, you  can  soar  higher  we just need to be reminded to keep   Educational  and  Speakers  Board  of

        than  you  every  thought  possible!  becoming a greater version of who we   NT  Together,  Keynote  Speaker  at  the
        Keeping  focused  will  help  keep  you  already are! Join us this at the Envision   Purpose & Passion Tour 2020, a former
        grounded  in  achieving  all  of  your  You  Own  Your  Purpose  Virtual   ballet dancer and a lifelong athlete.
        goals. We may not be able to control  Women’s  Summit  –  September  19,   Kimberly   is   passionate   about
        circumstances that arise, but we have  2020 9-5 pm PST. You can register at   transforming the lives of others through

        total  control  over  how  we  define  htt ps://  the power of resilience, buoyancy, and
        ourselves and our worth.                                                  reflection.

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