Page 33 - 57802 Summer 2020
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You can teach skill, but you can’t  5. Take excepti onal care of every  You  will  meet  incredible  people
        teach  attitude.  Find  people  who  customer/client                      when you       engage    in your

        are as excited about your business                                        community and find yourself more
        as  you  are,  and  have  either  the  It’s the old adage, the hardest  interested  in  what  you  can  off er
        experience, industry knowledge,  thing in the world to get is a new  them than how they can help
        or the passion to learn their craft  customer.  So,  if  you  know  this  you. And when that happens, you

        and  produce  an  exceptional  then  why aren’t  you cherishing  really  become  a  member  of  that

        product.                             the  customer  you  already  have?  community and all good things will
                                             Everyone wants to be appreciated,  fl ow your way.

        One  of  my  greatest  employee  and         in     this    competitive

        successes was with  a  technician  environment,  believe  me  when  I  Friendly      Auto    donates    auto
        who      didn’t    have    enough  tell you, your competi tors are also  repairs,  goods,  and  fi nancial  help
        knowledge,  but  he  was  really  talking to your customers! So why  to  a  number  of  truly    worthy
        eager to learn. Over the years he  not treat them as the gold bullion  organizati ons  and  from  each  one
        worked for me, he never stopped  they are!                                we have expanded our reach and
        learning and had a great attitude.                                        more importantly our hearts to the

        Today  he  owns  his  own  mobile  Excepti onal  service  means  taking  people who we  share  this world
        repair business on the East Coast  care of all the litt le things as well  with.
        and we are still in touch.           as the big ones. If you are selling

                                             a product, offer them extra value,  Basically, like they said in Bill and

        4. Stay Educated in Your Industry    whether it’s an additional item or  Ted’s  Excellent  Adventure,  “Be
                                             phenomenal packaging.                Excellent To Each Other”. Business
        I  always  say,  “Stay  relevant  or                                      can  be  challenging,  exhausting,

        become  irrelevant”.  Of  all  the  If it’s a service, make sure you are  frustrati ng but if you can sti ck with
        guys I started with when I  began  prompt and responsive. Don’t wait  it, it can be amazingly rewarding.
        my career 42 years ago, I am the  for the customer to call you back,

        only one left who is still running a  show them you care and make the  In additi on to owning and operati ng

        successful business. Why? Because  call.  At  Friendly  Auto,  we  pride  Friendly  Auto  Centers,  Steve  also
        of all these guys I was with, I was  ourselves  on  returning  cars  not  hosts  a  weekly  radio  show,  “Drive
        the one  who consistently read  only  running  bett er,  but  looking  Friendly  with  Steve  and  Felecia”
        industry  magazines,  consistently  bett er...we  wash  our  customers  airing  Saturday  10am-11am  on

        attended  seminars,  local  and  cars so  when they pick them  The  Fanati c,  KQFN,1580am,99.3,
        national    conferences,     joined  up  it runs great and looks great,  99.9. Steve Rozansky is the owner of

        industry  related  associations  and  giving  the  customer  a  wonderful   Friendly Auto Centers, 5026 E Main
        kept trying to learn.                experience when they are driving     Street, Mesa AZ 85205.

        Is it expensive and time consuming?                                       Steve  has  been  in  the  Automotive

                                             6. Give Back to Your Community       Industry  since  1977.  He  is  a  ASE
        Yes, it is.                                                               Master  Mechanic,  member  of
                                             It may sound a bit hokey, but the    Automotive  Service  Association,

        But  it  is  also  invigorating.  What  Universe  is  watching  and  those   Motorcraft   Preferred   Network,

        better  way  to  pump  yourself  up  that give are bound to receive. But   Bosch  Certified  Network,  Certified

        then to spend a day or two with like-  don’t give to get. That will come.   Trainer Jeffrey Gitomer Sales, Triple

        minded  industry  professionals?  Be  genuine  in  your  charity.  Find   AAA Top Shop Award Winner 2018,
        In  this  quick  changing  world,  if  organizati ons  that  you  can  relate   2019,  Carfax  Top  Shop  Arizona
        you  are  not  on  top  of  your  field  to and truly care about. People can   2020  and  just  became  THE  ONLY

        then  you  are  hopelessly  behind,  sense when the giving is real and    AUTISM  CERTIFIED  SHOP  IN  THE
        and  your customers  will know it.  when it is only to serve your agenda.
        And  educate  your  employees  as  Everyone can fi nd something that       UNITED STATES!
        well.  Throughout  the  year, our  is close to their heart, whether it
        technicians go to training classes  is  feeding  the  homeless,  working   480-830-9377
        to make sure they know as much  with at-risk youth, spending ti me
        as anyone (and more than most) in  with seniors, or suicide preventi on.

        automotive repair.                   All of these causes have numerous

                                             organizations  and  ways  of  giving

                                             back in time, service, or money.
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