Page 36 - 57802 Summer 2020
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The  second  type  of website  is  the  E-commerce  websites  are  gaining  Understanding  what  variables  to

        lead generation website.             popularity  online.  With  platforms  measure and track is  where the

                                             like Shopify, it’s easier than ever to  challenge usually arises. We at Java

        Lead generation websites are great  set  up  an  online virtual  storefront.  Logix help customers build websites
        at  engaging  potential  customers  Whether  you sell physical goods  that  deliver  on  their  expectati ons,

        and pre-qualifying leads.            or  coaching  services,  e-commerce  budgets,  and  experti se.  We  also
                                             websites are the way to go.          equip the business owner with the
        What  makes  a  lead  generation                                          knowledge needed to monitor and

        website  more  complex  is  it  often  Keep  in  mind  that  e-commerce  be  able  to  give  acti onable  insights

        has  a  sales  funnel  incorporated.  websites  are  more  complex  and  about  their  website  ad  business
        The sales funnel typically takes the  require  a  higher  level  of  experti se;  goals.
        potential  customer  on  a  buyer’s  additi onal  security  and  compliance

        journey  in  which  the  prospective  requirements  need  to  be  taken  Preston Martelly is co-founder of Java

        customer gets to know, like, and  into account.  But  don’t  let  this  Logix,  a  full-service  digital  marketi ng
        trust your business.                 discourage you, once you hear the  agency in Canada. He helps coaches,
                                             ka-ching sound, you’ll be hooked.    consultants,  local  businesses,  and
        The good news is that  you  can                                           non-profits  around  the  world  grow

        upgrade  your  existing  portfolio  Customers  can  benefi t  from  your  their brands and create a steady fl ow

        website  to  a  lead  generation  e-commerce website to:                  of qualified leads online. He works with

        website  by  adding  one  or  several                                     a  team  of  super-talented  marketers
        sales  funnels  for  each  product/  •      Buy your product/service      who  have the technical  and  creative

        service or offer you have.                   online using a credit card    know-how required to dominate your
                                             •      Book a paid appointment       competitors in the digital world.

        With  a  lead  generation  website,  •      Buy online coaching or

        here are some examples of what is           course                        He  understands  the  struggle  most
        possible to help your business grow:                                      entrepreneurs  feel. You  hear  it  every
                                             Recommended        platforms    to  day,  and  you  know  you  need  to  be

        •      Collect Name, Email, Phone    build  your  e-commerce  website  online  to  thrive  in  today’s  market,
        •      Book Free Appointment         are   Shopify,   Wordpress     and  but  you  lack  the  directi on,  skills,  or
        •      Message/Chat                  BigCommerce.                         time to build your online presence. He

        •      Inbound Phone Call                                                 enjoys working with entrepreneurs to
        •      Register For Webinar          If you are on the fence about setting  strategize and develop an acti on plan

        •      In-Person Meeting             up an e-commerce website, contact  to  get  them  to  their  business  goals.

                                             me and I can get you started.        Along  with  the  Java  Logix  team,  he
        We  recommend  WordPress  or                                              possesses  the  skills  to  execute  every
        Clickfunnels  to  build  your  lead  Tip:                                 step. He can help with a professional

        generation  website.  They  are  both                                     logo for your brand, or fully optimize

        straightforward and simple enough  What gets measured gets done.          your  website;  he  can  create  promo
        to navigate.                                                              videos,  social  media  posts,  or  help
                                             One  of  the  biggest  advantages  of  drive  clicks  to  buy  your  service.  Our

        Think  of  your  lead  generation  the  online  world  is  the  ability  to  data-driven strategies are predictable,
        website  as  your  best  salesperson;  track  just  about  every  step  in  the  measurable, and scalable so that every

        your  website  is  able  to  engage  process.                             minute  or  dollar  spent  on  marketing

        complete strangers and hand them                                          has an intentional outcome.

        off  to  you  to  close  the  deal  and  With  free  tools  like  Google

        collect payment.                     Analytics,  there’s  no  cost  barrier  If you need help taking your business
                                             as to why a business owner should  to the  next  level,  contact  Preston to
        E-Commerce Website                   not know about the performance of  schedule your fi rst strategy call.
                                             their website as well as what areas
        Great  for  selling  your  products  and  to improve.
        services to a global audience.

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