Page 35 - 57802 Summer 2020
P. 35

How To Make Your

                                                         Website Work As Hard

                                                         As You Do: Get More


                                                                                 by Preston Martelly

        Not all websites are created equal.  You’ve invested thousands of dollars into designing and building a website,
        but you haven’t generated any new business from it. So, what gives? Is there anything you can do to make
        your website a money magnet? Read on to learn what you can do right now to make your website work for

        First  things  first,  I  always  tell  my  for example, you don’t sell to the  manufacturers  who  don’t  sell

        clients  to  begin  with  the  end  in  end-user or your products/services  to  the  end-users,  restaurants
        mind. Decide on what outcome or  are designed to be informati onal,  who  serve  primarily  walk-in
        conversion you want your website  this website is perfect. Customers  clients, emergency plumbers, and
        visitors  to  take.  Do  you  want  can fi nd you online and then visit  businesses  where  the  customer

        them  to  make  purchases,  book  or call your business to convert.       buyer journey is often a very short
        appointments,  sign  up  for  your  The  portf olio  website  is  also  one.
        webinars, or just enter their name  great  to  build  credibility  for  your
        and email?                           business. For example, if you have  So, go ahead and build that dream
                                             a physical storefront and don’t sell  portf olio  website.  Recommended
        Once  you  get  clear on  what  you  online,  having  a  presence  online  platf orms  to  build  your  basic
        want your website to do, you can  gives you a competi ti ve edge over  portf olio website (for free in some
        create  the  right  website  for  your  your competi tors.                instances!) are Wix, GoDaddy, and
        business.                                                                 Squarespace.
                                             The good news: portfolio websites

        Let’s  take  a  look  at  the  3  most  are relati vely easy to build and are  The  best  way  to  summarize  a
        popular types of websites that are  the  most  aff ordable  of  the  three  portf olio  website  is  to  think  of
        online  today. This will  give you  a  types  of websites.  Unfortunately,  it as a digital version of a fl yer or
        clear picture of what you need.      most coaches, consultants, and  brochure  about  your  company,
                                             small  business  owners  aren’t  product, or service.

        Portfolio Website                    aware  of  the  difference  and  end

                                             up settling for a portfolio website  Lead Generati on Website

        Great for Brand Awareness — Views,  which  is  just  not  enough  to  help
        Clicks, Blogs, Videos, Images        them grow their business.            Great    for   webinar    sign-ups,
                                                                                  building  email  lists,  lead  captures,
        This type of website may be all you  Here  are  some  businesses  that  appointment bookings.
        need for your business to thrive. If,  portf olio  websites  can  work  for:

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