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Jumpstart Your Healing


                                              By Jennifer Farrar

                                           For many years,      Once you have your story filled in and the emotions,
                                           I went through a     lessons and qualities gained use this simple exercise
                                           protracted period    to heal:
                                           of family trauma.
                                           The losses of        Energy Release Exercise: Get a picture of the person(s),
        family and friends came fast and furious for years.     place, or situation that has wronged you or caused you
        Even though I am the second youngest out of eight       harm. Close your eyes and say out loud, “I love you. I
        children, 99% of the responsibility of taking care of   forgive you. Thank you for helping me learn my lessons
        our elderly parents and their estates fell to me. I made   with you and through you. I no longer need this in my
        the decision to take our mother off life support. I     life. I am ready to move on. I now release you to your
        coordinated with the insurance and contractors for      own higher good”. Then watch as all the energy that
        their flooded basement. I dealt with the monumental     exists fades away. When you are done, take a deep
        task of cleaning their house and the chaos that her     breath and open your eyes.
        hoarding had created. My siblings barely helped. My     Do this exercise over many times and you’ll be
        life was completely in disarray.  I lost my job and my   surprised at how peaceful it will be in your body and
        fledgling business in the process of trying to keep     being. Holding that negative energy is very toxic. You’ll
        it all together. I harbored a lot of resentment, anger,   realize that out of the bad a lot of good happened
        trauma, and hurt feelings. I tried telling my siblings   because you learned many new lessons and gained
        how hurt I felt, but nothing changed. I needed to find a   many new positive qualities. You gained soul growth.
        way to move through the hurt myself because it was      This is what healing is all about.
        exhausting carrying it around all the time. I wanted

        So, I created my own process to jumpstart my              Jennifer Farrar is an international healer, teacher and speaker
                                                                  with 24 years of experience in the holistic field. Her philosophy
        1. Create a Healing Journey Journal and do a brain        is to release what no longer serves you, then instill positive
        dump of everything that has happened to you that hurt     beliefs to cultivate and accelerate transformation to create
        you in some way. It can be big, little, recent, or in the   your best life personally and professionally. She was a featured
        past. This is a quick overview of what happened
                                                                  speaker at the Emerge2021 Summit and a guest writer for the
        2. Fill in the details as much as you can. Memory is a    Laws of Life Magazine.
        finicky cat. Some memories are right at the tip of your
        brain and some will come back to you in small pieces.     She obtained a BA degree in Theater Arts from the University
        For this part of the exercise, you will have to come back   of Iowa. She is a Holy Fire III® Reiki Master Teacher, Advanced
        as often as necessary to get the whole picture.           ThetaHealing® Instructor, Certified in Emotion Code®, Access

        3. Write down the emotions that you experienced then      Consciousness Bars®, Angelic Chakra Integration and Healy.
        and now.

        4. What lessons did you learn? I learned how to treat   You can call her at 319-321-8228, or you can connect
        people and what not to do in this situation.              with her at and

        5. What positive qualities did you gain from this
        experience? I gained strength, resiliency, compassion,

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