Page 23 - inet magazine nov.2021
P. 23
Alternative Investment
by Stuart Gethner
The purpose of As a full-time real estate investor, I must admit that not all
investing is to of our family’s investments are in real estate. We do have
grow the amount money in the stock market, bonds, and other securities.
of money you However, our real estate investments offer steady cash
have, especially to flow, great returns, long-term security, tax advantages, as
outpace inflation. A diversified investment portfolio is well as diversification.
ideal as it ensures that by not “putting all your eggs in one
basket,” you will not be creating an unwanted risk to your One of the main benefits of investing in real estate
capital. is the strategy of leveraging one’s investment. When
one purchases real estate, all the funds are not
There are plenty of other investments besides investing needed at once. For example, we only need $20,000 to
in real estate. For example, the new kid on the block is purchase a $200,000 piece of real estate. This is unlike
cryptocurrency. Examples include Bitcoin and Ethereum. cryptocurrency, the stock market, bonds and other
Combined they have over $353 BILLION in digital investments. Yet the real estate investor still gets all the
currency. Since Bitcoin has been around since 2009, is benefits from their purchase with just a small percentage
digital currency really new? The challenge with digital down.
currency is that it is VERY volatile. One reason for its
volatility is that it is different than traditional currency, Real estate is a tangible asset that you can touch, feel
such as money. Money (aka cash) is a currency that and control. No matter where you are in your investment
is created and controlled by government regulation. world, in my opinion real estate is still the cornerstone
Therefore, since cryptocurrency is not controlled by of every portfolio. It allows for leverage, provides tax
government regulation, it fluctuates causing volatility. advantages, and cash flow.
Another popular investment vehicle is registered
securities—for example, stocks and bonds. Here is where Stuart Gethner is a seasoned Real Estate Investor who has
the average consumer can purchase a piece of a public
company by purchasing shares of their stock. Bonds personally invested in over $10 million in apartments, medical
allow companies to raise capital for future purchases. buildings, commercial properties, industrial complexes, and land
These securities were traditionally purchased through opportunities
a broker such as Merrill Lynch or e-Trade. However,
Robinhood now offers commission free trading for .He’s successfully partnered to own three thriving independent
investing. Pharmacies, owned a franchise and has joint ventured with
There are two challenges investing in the stock market. students and investors all over the world.
First, past performance is no guarantee of future results. Stuart is honored to be selected for the Forbes Real Estate
Second, we have zero control of the powers-that-be Council with multiple articles published in Forbes Magazine.
will make sound financial decisions. Many times, these
executives make decisions that benefit their own personal Over the years, Stuart has the opportunity to educate on stages
self-interest. Bonds tend to be very safe which is why nationally and internationally on the topic of Joint Ventures
they offer a very low rate of return.
within Real Estate Investing. While investing in real estate is his
There are various other types of investments such as first passion, education is very close to second place.
precious metals, annuities, and start-up companies.
Annuities are a terrible investment as their fees are
unreasonably high and tend to promise returns that You can connect with him at https://stuartgethner.
are non-existent. Today there are plenty of start-up com and
companies looking for venture capital. The challenge with
start-up companies is that 90% FAIL.