Page 20 - inet magazine nov.2021
P. 20
Simplicity... the Horse
By Michelle Goss
Simplicity. That is actually what life is supposed to be. remember what “things I am to run from and what
However, we humans have a great knack for making things I should not run from”, and most of those things
things incredibly complicated. I, too, am guilty of this, I’ve learned not to run from are counter-intuitive.
and yet I have been able to learn something different And that is the basics of how we humans work with
and finally come to accept that life is actually simple. I horses on the counter-intuitive level. It is not intuitive
just had to learn to make different choices. And that is for a horse to let a human touch and ride them, and
where the horse comes in. yet we are allowed to do it because of the training.
Once again, it is the process and keeping the process
You see, horses are flight creatures. They are prey simple. However, I am still a human and still prone to
animals and their main means of defense is fleeing. make things complicated and that is when I turn to my
They have a basic system. Danger equals run and no horses and they remind me life really is quite simple.
danger equals not to run. Simple and yet very effective
as long as the horse can efficiently learn what to run I have a saying about horses. “ Horses help us process
from and what not to run from. This is the learning the complexities of our lives so we can return to the
process for all of us, in essence. We need to be able to simplicity of our lives.”
slow down enough in our lives to be able to “see what
we need to run from and what we don’t”, and then
remember those things. I am Michelle Goss, a horse guided coach with Spirit Mountain
The learning process for a horse starts when they are Healing Center. I have had the privilege of working with horses
first born and encounter humans in their lives. How a and people for over 35 years for the purpose of helping people
human interacts with the foal is just as important as learn to live more authentically through horses. Horses help
how the mother reacts to humans, as foals learn what break down barriers to living authentically without ever saying
is important in their lives mainly from their mothers. a word. Horses have the unique ability to read our mirror,
So, if the mother has had bad encounters with humans our emotions helping people to learn new ways to manage
and does not trust them well, then her mistrust will
show through her behavior around humans and the anxiety, depression, grief, fear, anger, traumas and many more
foal will follow those behaviors. However, if the mother emotions. Working with horses gives people hope and help by
has had good encounters with humans and she trusts learning to live authentically through horse guided coaching.
them, then her trust will show through her behaviors
around humans, and the foal will follow those
behaviors. Life is all about processes, and the more we You can call 480-988-2165, or reach out at
can understand the processes and then use them, the or michelle.
more simplistic our lives will become.
I owe my understanding and acceptance of processes
and the simplicity of the processes to my horses. As I
have worked with horses for the past 30 years, I have
learned to simplify my life to the best of my abilities,
and think and be more like my horses. To learn and