Page 15 - inet magazine nov.2021
P. 15

The Key To Making A

                                              7-Figure Income

                                              By Brian K Wright with Peter Voogd

                                            Brian:              I didn’t know myself, but I didn’t produce results
                                            Welcome, Peter!     in my business. I had so much going on, and I had
                                            When things         so much noise on my head from other people’s
                                            get tough, what     expectations that I wasted a year or two trying to
                                            causes you to       do what everyone else wanted me to do because
                                            not give up?        I didn’t know myself. That was very expensive
                                                                because it cost me a lot of relationships,
                                            Peter:  My          frustration, energy, wasted time, money, and
                                            reasons. People     insecurities.
                                            need to realize
                                            reasons come        And the second thing is a mistake of “figure it out
                                            first, results      myself” mentality. That cost me a lot because I
                                            come second.        never wanted to ask people for help. And that also
                                            Anyone who          cost me a lot of years of frustration and headache
         doesn’t have strong reasons for why they do            and stress.
         something, or if they have the wrong reasons, they
         usually give up the quickest.                          Brian: Fantastic. So, let’s talk about your book, 7
                                                                Rules to 7 Figures. Why did you decide to write
         Reasons are the fuel and the juice to get you          this book?
         through the toughest times, to pull you through
         the other side.                                        Peter:  The reason I wrote the first book 6 Months
                                                                To 6 Figures is because I went from broke to six
         That’s what got me through is thinking about the       figures, after I started teaching those principles
         end result. The more I don’t give up, the sharper      and helping other people make six figures, I had
         and more mentally tough I become. And I can deal  this anxiety where I could not sleep at night
         with more to become more.                              because I felt like I had a message to give.

         It’s a mental shift. It’s making a decision to not     I saw so many people struggling and doing
         give up. You’ll never know how strong you are until  things the wrong way, but just needed a couple
         being strong is the only option you have.              little tweaks in their business. And they could be
                                                                crushing it at a whole different level. I saw that too
         Brian: What is the most expensive mistake you’ve       many times.
         ever made? It could be financial, it could be time,
         energy wasted that you didn’t realize until later.     I didn’t realize I would sell over 800,000 copies
         However you want to define that, what is your          of that book, but I told myself back then, I wasn’t
         most expensive mistake?                                going to write another book until I had that same
                                                                feeling. So, a couple months before my son was
         Peter:  Oh, that’s a good question.                    born, I start observing, researching, doing my due

         I think there’s two; one, taking too many opinions.    diligence, and paying attention and thinking about
         When I took too many opinions, when I first            my past. I realized that most people that I saw
         started out, not only was I super overwhelmed and      try to get the seven figures were working 80-100

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