Page 19 - inet magazine nov.2021
P. 19
The C3 Effect: Thriving, Not Just
Surviving In The New Virtual
Business World
by Suzan Chin Taylor
The world of video outsourcing makes more sense to accomplish their content
conference calls marketing goals.
and digital pitches is
here to stay, and for many, the shift to marketing and selling Why consider outsourcing?
online has been challenging. Although we are starting to It will get done.
reconnect face-to-face, virtual meetings will continue to play Be honest. Do you have the time and the skills needed
a vital role in the initial phases of the customer buying cycle. to produce the variety and volume of content required?
So how do you thrive, not just survive in this new paradigm? Regardless of how busy you or your staff are, outsourcing
ensures your content efforts will be advanced on a
Establish trust. This is difficult when you haven’t met in consistent basis.
person and decisions to do business happen at a slower
pace. How can you build trust and accelerate the process? You will save lots of time.
Content. Instead of spending 20, 40, 60 or more hours of your time
per month, you will invest only a small fraction of that
What all successful virtual marketers know is: Content = providing your content creation team with resources and
Credibility = Community, Clients and Colleagues, it’s the approvals.
C3 Effect. This is why entrepreneurs should be investing in
content and social media marketing for the maximum ROI of You will achieve better results.
promotional spend. Because content strategists are experts on how people
interact with your presence and content, they can provide a
Content Alone is Not Enough – Consistency is Essential fresh perspective that will engage your target audience and
The harsh reality is that once connections are made on position you as a thought leader and industry influencer.
social media, most sales conversations and engagement In summary, consistency leads to familiarity, familiarity
die. To avoid this, remember that content is the fuel. Adding to trust, trust to action and continuous filling of the sales
consistently scheduled and quality, relevant content to pipeline.
existing or new social media efforts will provide a multiplier
Suzan Chin-Taylor is an international entrepreneur, “storyteller”
People self-educate differently. and marketing strategist. As CEO of Creative Raven & The TUIT
Create content in multiple formats such as video, graphic Group and Owner/Director of TUIT Infratech Pvt Ltd, Suzan and her
posts, long form articles, and curated content to take
advantage of the various ways people consume information. global business development and creative production teams create
cost-effective, innovative marketing communications solutions to
Engage with connections’ content. help clients better understand their market, strategically position
While you are posting content that highlights your solution their organizations, build brand awareness, generate opportunities,
in order to motivate your market to reach out to you and develop business alliances. As an Everything DiSC® Authorized
instead of your competitors, engage with others content by Partner, she delivers tools that help unlock the potential of
commenting and starting conversations. People will give an organization’s people, improve working relationships and
your content more consideration when they see that you communication, strengthen management skills, elevate leadership,
are engaged and being of service. Plus, every time your tackle conflict and create lasting productive and empowering
engagement gets posted, you get noticed by your target
audience. workplace cultures.
We know the key to thriving in the virtual selling world is
consistent content and engagement, so why is it overlooked, You can call 760-217-8010 or reach out at www.
underprioritized and misunderstood? Simple—time and cost, and
two elements most small business owners struggle with, but Email:
do they have to? LinkedIn:
Business owners need to evaluate whether the DIY route or