Page 17 - inet magazine nov.2021
P. 17

Create A Financial Empire

                                              And A Multi-Million

                                              Dollar Network

                                              By Brian K Wright with Aaron Wagner

                                            Brian: Welcome,     and purposely surrounded themselves with people
                                            Aaron? Why do       that they wanted to have their lives.
                                            you think some
                                            people achieve      Brian: I know you’ve invested in a lot of things.
                                          wealth and others     How do you decide what to invest in? I’m sure
         don’t?                                                 there are many answers to that.

         Aaron: There are a lot of reasons why some             Aaron: There are. Obviously, in my business,
         do and some don’t. Achieving wealth is not a           my firm has two core competencies; one is real
         product of intelligence or education or any of         estate development and the other is food and
         those things, but it’s actually just a product of      beverage. We probably made at least another 20
         execution. I believe that the most successful          investments outside of those industries, and I
         people in the world are people that are quick          would say that every firm and every person has
         decision makers. They’re decisive and they go to       their own investment thesis and philosophy, their
         action immediately, and a lot of the “figure me out”   underwriting, and investment/legal requirements.
         is on the fly. There is no perfect route. You’ve got   But for me, it comes down to the people who are
         to adapt and move, and you’ve got to be dynamic.       involved. In terms of risk, I believe that you have
         The people that are the doers are the people that      to bet on jockeys, not horses. You have to make
         are winning.                                           sure that you’re betting on people that are going to
         Brian: That’s fantastic. I know that there are a lot   win despite the odds. When they come up against
         of people out there who have self-limiting beliefs     hardships, they’re going to be able figure things
         around money. For anyone out there who might           out.
         have self-limiting beliefs around money, what          The best solution people in the world are the best
         advice would you give to them?                         entrepreneurs because they don’t take no for an

         Aaron: It’s really hard to look at your blind spots    answer, so that’s who I want to bet on.
         and know what your self-limiting beliefs are. A big    People put so much value in good ideas, but there
         part of awareness is that you have to surround         are graveyards full of good ideas. But execution
         yourself with people that are going to allow you to    rules the world.
         see a vision a little bit beyond what your current
         vision is. And for me, the easiest way to do that is   Brian: When working with investors in business,
         levelling up my network.                               not just in real estate but in business in general,
                                                                what criteria do you have to decide who you really
         People often say, “You’re a product of the people      want to work with?
         you spend time around.” And I believe that’s
         true. The people that I’ve seen that have created      Aaron: Well, I’m glad you asked that because when
         success are the ones that are have meticulously        I first got started in my business, I needed all the
                                                                capital that I could get to do deals. I wasn’t very

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