Page 14 - inet magazine nov.2021
P. 14

For The Love Of Legal

                                             By Jeff and Donna Meador

                                           “Out in Arizona     Just like Jim Rohn said, “We are the average of the
                                           where Saguaros      five people we spend the most time with,” and that
                                           grow, live Jeff and   also includes your habits. This could be anything from
                                           Donna Meador        sleep, eating, or keeping track of how many clients you
                                           and their TV Show.  reach out to in a day.
                                           Talkin ‘bout love
                                           and the things      Being proactive when it comes to decisions is
       they do, bringing peace and joy to people like you.”    paramount. Let’s face it. Problems don’t go away on
                                                               their own. More and more people are finding comfort
       Jeff is a singer/songwriter among other things, and     and peace-of-mind using legal plans, and Jeff and
       he put his talent to work on their theme song as they   Donna are the ones to explain why. “Having access to
       grow closer and closer to bringing their message to the  attorneys about anything that comes up is just plain
       masses.                                                 sexy. Having that ability in both America and Canada
                                                               for a low monthly fee instead of an hourly rate is the
       Wait, what? Jeff and Donna have a TV show?              icing on the cake and we love spreading the word!”
       Yes siree! It’s still in the works, but these two have been   For the love of Pete, take time to find out how knowing
       out and about for a few years now, spreading the word.   your options, or if you’re being treated fairly could save

       “Spreading the word about what?” you might ask.         you money. The first step in any situation, whether it be
       LegalShield for one. They are in love with it.          legal or just good old-fashioned-pain-in-the-neck stuff,
                                                               is seeking legal counsel first.
       On their first date, Donna explained what it was and
       Jeff vaguely remembered having it 20 years earlier.     Because staying out of trouble is a whole lot cheaper
       Apparently when his credit card expired so did the      than getting out of trouble.
       membership. Secondly, it didn’t take long to realize
       they were a power couple in the making as they moved
       forward at lightning speed, getting married exactly       Jeff and Donna are Recruiters, Best Selling Authors
       one year later. With arms locked, they began to hit       and Empowerment Advocates who specialize in guiding
       the social media mainstream going live on a regular
       basis and found that people wanted more. More             entrepreneurs and individuals alike. Their message offers
       singing. More bantering. More information about this      strategic yet simple and effective tools providing inspiration,
       empowering membership that brings ease into their         clarity and purpose for those looking to flourish. In 2020 they
       lives, as the two of them laughed and sang their way      won the Forbes Riley’s Excelly “Power Couple of Excellence”
       through their little show. That my friends, is how they
       were discovered!                                          Award and co-created “The Meador Affect” coming soon to
       Roads as you know, aren’t always straight, but they
       stayed the course and followed, what some would call,     Jeff is an ordained minister, avid singer/songwriter, philatelist
       instinct. Jeff says it was God’s guidance all along as    and loves watches.
       they continued to keep their faith first and each other   Donna is obsessed with helping women understand their
                                                                 self-worth. As a PRE-Dating coach, she brings hope (and a few
       It’s their desire to help others understand that life can   secrets) for those looking for love in all the wrong places.
       continue to get better and better as you age. Hopefully
       you have collected wisdom along the way, but it always
       comes down to choices.                                     Call Jeff and Donna at 516-395-8219 or connect
                                                                  with them at and

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