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The Publicity Hound: Tips, Tricks
And Tools For Free Publicity
20 Questions to Keep You on the
Guerrilla Publicity Track
By Jill Lublin
Here are 20 questions to ask yourself to stay on the 16. Do you update your media list every three months?
Guerilla Publicity Track. They are from my best-selling 17. Do you stay in touch with your media contacts on a
book Guerrilla Publicity, available on regular basis?
Savvy Publicity Hounds will be able to answer “yes” to 18. Do you send acknowledgment notes to those who
most of these questions. refer business or support you in other ways?
1. Do you know who you are and what you do? 19. Do you participate in social and community
2. Can you express it positively and clearly in under 30
seconds? 20. Do you help others get business by networking?
3. Do you always carry your business card and ask for The Publicity Hound says: Jill’s checklist has some
others? excellent tasks you can try to accomplish during those
holiday weeks at the end of the year, when clients are
4. Are you impressed by the quality and design of on vacation and business is slow. Take one task at a
your materials? time, do it, then go on to the next one, and so on.
5. Are you consistent in creating the image you desire
to project?
6. Is your information completely truthful and not over Jill Lublin is an international speaker on the topics of Radical
hyped? Influence, Publicity, Networking, Kindness and Referrals. She
7. Do you know what’s special about your story? is the author of 4 Best Selling books including Get Noticed...Get
8. Can you specifically define your potential Referrals (McGraw Hill) and co-author of Guerrilla Publicity and
customer? Networking Magic. Her latest book, Profit of Kindness went #1
9. Have you written an article about you and your in four categories. Jill is a master strategist on how to position
business and sent it with a photo to your media your business for more profitability and more visibility in the
10. Do you send your materials or articles out six marketplace. She is CEO of a strategic consulting firm and has
weeks before the publication’s deadline? over 25 years of experience working with over 100,000 people
11. When something exciting happens with your plus national and international media. Jill teaches a virtual
business, have you sent out a press release? Publicity Crash Course, and consults and speaks all over the
12. Do you have a media list appropriate to your world. She has spoken on many stages with luminaries such as
business that will reach your clients and potential Tony Robbins. She also helps authors to create book deals with
customers? major publishers and agents, as well as obtain foreign rights
13. Are you thoroughly familiar with the media you deals.
have on your list?
14. Do you follow up on anything that you have sent to
the press? Visit and
15. Are you prepared to respond with five or six “why
I’m news” points to the media’s calls to you?