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P. 15

Tribute to the Jewish People

                   The Jewish people have experienced throughout history more oppression and
                   bondage than any nation or people that have ever existed upon planet earth.

                   However, the fiber of life that exists between the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob
                   has never been completely separated.

                   The dedication to God and the dedication to the fulfillment of His word remained
                   stable, firmly fixed for all generations to follow.

                   This pure love of the Holy Scriptures in the heart of all Jewish people throughout
                   history has provided, hope and faith for continuing to trust the God of their

                   When everything seemed hopeless and futile to strive for life and peace with the
                   world, the word of God provided the means for the Jewish people to create and
                   invent new hope to strengthen their human desire to survive at all costs.

                   For this is the true essence of being Jewish. Never giving up, never yielding to
                   despair and always clinging to an eternal hope in God.

                   The entire world is aware that this oppression still exists, among Jewish people in
                   many nations of the free world.

                   However as written in Psalm 68:22, the Lord said: I will bring my people again
                   from the depths of the sea. Just as God brought the children of Israel from the
                   oppression and bondage of Egypt, God will bring them out of all the nations of the
                   world, where they are now experiencing similar conditions.

                   That is why when persecution begins, Jewish tradition becomes alive in the heart
                   of the people, because it orders to affirm life and proclaim hope in God always.

                   Therefore, always remember that a nation that has run out of dreams, is a nation
                   destined to fail. But Almighty God will never let it happen to His chosen people.

                   The word of God and His promises given to the Jewish People, and for all People
                   of the entire world will never fail.
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