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P. 18
Jerusalem: Where the Love, Sanctity and Reverence for Almighty God are still
Dominant factors in the everyday life of everyone that lives there.
Jerusalem: The City that Heard the Messiah Jesus Christ Publicly Say: Take heed
that you be not deceived: For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ;
And the time draweth near; Go you not therefore after them. (Luke 21:8)
Jerusalem: Where the Eternal Truth and Commandments of Almighty God would
go forth to establish the Lord Jesus Christ as the Saviour of Mankind.
Jerusalem: The City that Heard the Messiah Jesus Christ Publicly Say: Let not your
Heart be troubled; You believe in God, Believe also in Me. ((John 14:1)
Jerusalem: Where the Greatest Event in all of History Occurred; When the Lord
Jesus Christ was crucified as the Sacrificial Lamb for the Sin of Mankind.
Jerusalem: The City that Heard the Messiah Jesus Christ Publicly Say: Father,
Forgive them; For they know not what they do. (Luke 23:34)
Jerusalem: Almighty God’s Holy Mountain.
Jerusalem: The City that Heard the Messiah Jesus Christ Publicly Say: I am the
Light of the World; He that followeth Me shall not walk in Darkness; But shall
have the Light of Life. (John 8:12)
Jerusalem: Where the Second Greatest Event in all of History Occurred; When the
Lord Jesus Christ was resurrected from the Dead Just as He Prophesied.
Jerusalem: The City that Heard the Messiah Jesus Christ Publicly Say: If you keep
My commandments, you shall abide in My Love; even as I have Kept My Father’s
Commandments, and abide in His Love. (John 15:10)
Jerusalem: It should be noted that, Everyone must take the Journey to God’s
Supernatural City; Because, it’s the only place on Earth that can stir your Eternal
Soul like no other. (The Trip of a Life Time Just for You is at hand.)