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P. 19
The Seven Redemptive Names of the Lord
1. JEHOVAH JIREH (The Lord will provide a Sin Offering) Genesis 22:14
Jesus Christ became our sin offering (the sacrificial lamb) on the cross.
Galatians 3:13
2. JEHOVAH RAPHAH (The Lord is our Healer) Exodus 15:26
Jesus Christ became our healer by bearing our sickness on the cross. I Peter 2:24
3. JEHOVAH NISSI (The Lord is our Victor.) Exodus 17:15
Jesus Christ became our victor over all evil powers on the cross. I Corinthians
4. JEHOVAH SHALOM (The Lord is our Peace) Judges 6:24
Jesus Christ provided us the blessing of His peace through His shed blood. John
5. JEHOVAH RAAH (The Lord is our Shepherd) Psalm 23:1
Jesus Christ became our Shepherd by giving His life for His sheep. John 10:11
6. JEHOVAH TSIDKENU (The Lord is our Righteousness.) Isaiah 45:24
Jesus Christ became our righteousness by carrying our sins on the cross. Romans
7. JEHOVAH SHAMAH (The Lord is always Present.) Matthew 28:20
Jesus Christ provided us the blessing of His presence through His shed blood.
John 14:27
These are the seven redemptive names belonging to and abiding in Lord Jesus
Christ. It is under these specific titles that He is the same yesterday, today and
forever. ( Hebrews 13:8 )
The Lord says to all that come to Him in love for any of these seven blessings: “He
that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out.” (John 6:37) This is truly the good
news for every nation and for all people, Jew or gentile to enjoy the fullness of the
blessing provided for in the Holy Scriptures.
Therefore, take the time to evaluate each of the seven blessings that the Lord has
provided for us. Then believe in your heart that they are available for you all the
days of your long life. When you have a need for any of the seven blessings that
are based on the word of God, you must:
A. Claim the promise of your belief in your Spiritual Heart.
B. Confess your belief in your Spiritual Heart that the promise is fulfilled now.