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P. 16

Tribute to Jerusalem

                   Jerusalem: The Holy City of the Living Almighty God.
                   Jerusalem: The City that Heard the Messiah Jesus Christ Publicly Say: Heaven and
                   Earth Shall Pass Away; But My Words Shall Not Pass Away. (Luke 21:33)

                   Jerusalem: The City of Peace of Almighty God.
                   Jerusalem: The City that Heard the Messiah Jesus Christ Publicly Say: Oh
                   Jerusalem, Jerusalem Thou that Killest the Prophets. (Matthew 23:37)

                   Jerusalem: The Eternal City of the Universe of Almighty God.
                   Jerusalem: The City that Heard the Messiah Jesus Christ Publicly Say: Oh
                   Jerusalem, Jerusalem Thou that stonest them which are Sent Unto thee from
                   Almighty God. (Matthew 23:37) Paraphrased

                   Jerusalem: The Devastated and Torn City of Almighty God.
                   Jerusalem: The City that Heard the Messiah Jesus Christ Publicly Say: I am
                   the Living Bread which Came Down from Heaven; If any Man Eat of this Bread,
                   He shall Live Forever; And the Bread that I will Give is My Flesh. (John 6:51)

                   Jerusalem: The City Contiguous to (3) Three Continents Europe, Africa and Asia.
                   Jerusalem: The City that Heard the Messiah Jesus Christ Publicly Say: Oh
                   Jerusalem, Jerusalem you shall not See Me Henceforth, Till you shall say, Blessed
                   is He that Cometh in the Name of the Lord. (Matthew 23:39)

                   Jerusalem: The Ancient City of Holy Stones and the Site of the Wailing Wall.
                   Jerusalem: The City that Heard the Messiah Jesus Christ Publicly Say: Search the
                   Scriptures for in them you think you have Eternal Life; And they are they which
                   testify of Me. (John 5:39)

                   Jerusalem: The Symbolic Beacon of (20) Twenty Centuries of Jewish Life.
                   Jerusalem: The City that Heard the Messiah Jesus Christ Publicly Say: I am the
                   Way, the Truth, and the Life; And no Man cometh unto the Father but by me.
                   (John 14:6)

                   Jerusalem: The Divided City Located Geographically in the Center of the World.
                   Jerusalem: The City that Heard the Messiah Jesus Christ Publicly Say: Let the
                   Religious Leaders alone; They are Blind Leaders of the Blind; And if the Blind
                   Lead the Blind, Both shall fall into the Ditch. (Matthew 15:14)
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