Page 4 - 【空姐面試雲NO. 70】20180830期 –實習空服員?你該這樣做嗎?(手機觀看版本)
P. 4

NEWS CLOUD                                                                              3

            Most of the public voices considered that the intern crew might

            against inflight safety; moreover, many cabin crew express the

            internship program to be the only one of its kind in the world and
            to set the worst example  Besides the remuneration, I concern
            more about how the airlines would define the job description of

            intern crew and not to compromise the best interests of their rights

            to education during internship according to my many years field

            observation of aviation industry.




            China Airlines is not the first air carrier offering cabin crew

            internship program. The world-famous Singapore Airlines and

            the other Singapore-based Jetstar Asia also provide cabin crew
            internship opportunities to the senior students who hold Singapore

            citizenship. These intern crew need to past certain quality selection

            and complete full cabin crew training and pass an evaluation like
            the other officially-hired cabin crew. However, these two airlines

            offer credits waiver and transference internship program with

            better salary package (equivalent to or follow certain proportion

            according to the job description) and the retention of the intern

            crew after they get their graduation certificate.


            和華航不同之處是這些實習空服員與正職空服員享有同樣或固定比例的薪資                                                       (註 1) 、

            一年的實習可以抵扣在學學分且實習結束領到畢業證書之後,可優先留任原職                                                       (註 2) 。

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