Page 15 - 2024-2025 Creative Writing
P. 15

Zxua: The Awakening of the
                             Zxua: The Awakening of the

                                                        Weather God
                                                         Weather God

                  Zxua is an ancient Mongolian deity, a god who controls the weather. With

                 a round face, furious eyes, rose-tinted lips, and electric chainsaw-like teeth,

                 he resembles an adult giraffe, towering nearly ten meters high. The legend

                 began  almost  2,500  years  ago…  A  chosen  man  walks  through  a  mighty


                 Gray clouds cover the sky, and lightning flashes in the sky . He concealed

                 him  in  a  green  cape,  shielding  his  face.  He  arrives  at  a  devilish  tomb

                 radiating  black  aura  ,  stands  for  a  moment,  then  enters  without  any

                 hesitation  .Inside,  a  cave  with  colorful  gem  walls.  He  is  running  ,  swiftly

                 walking  and  stepping.  There  was  a  door  at  the  end  of  the  cave  .  He

                 approaches there , a door with an octagonal puzzle. From his belongings, he

                 pulls  out  a  dust-covered,  glazing  golden  octagon.  Matching  it  into  the

                 puzzle, the door slowly opens. Inside, he finds a dusty switch.

                 With all his strength, he pulls it, summoning Zxua’s ghoul once again. He

                 absorbs the Zxua's ghoul into himself , sacrificing his life to bring back his

                 worshiped deity the Zxua...

                    B. Turbold 7B
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