Page 17 - 2024-2025 Creative Writing
P. 17
Overcoming Challenges
Ever since I began going to school, I have always struggled with time
management. Due to my homework, I was sleeping at 2 am and having
breakfast at 12 pm. Over the years I’ve learnt to manage my time in a
productive way.
The first thing I did was install a calendar app. I prefer a digital calendar,
so that I can write down anything anywhere I need to. On a calendar, you
can write down anything of importance. Using the calendar I would
determine what needed to be done, and create a priority list depending on
the amount of work needed to be done, and the amount of time until the
deadline. Whenever I started my assignments, I would put on some lofi
music and mute my phone, I would do this to eliminate distractions. Being
completely focused will help you finish your assignments faster.
Even now, I still struggle with managing my time, but I am better than
when I first started school. If you keep track of everything you need to do,
you will gradually get better. But, remember getting better at something is a
steady process. You shouldn’t be deterred when you make a mistake,
instead you should focus on improving.
B. Gegeelen 8A