Page 10 - Torch - December 2019 lessthan5
P. 10
Full STEM ahead
On November 9, 2019 Signature Program’s Delta built, they were able to operate the cars using a
Academy, Delta GEMS, and EMBODI had STEM remote.
Day at Alabama State University. The activities Thirdly, participants were able to tackle the job of
were led by Dr. Derrick Dean, Professor of bridge building, using thirty popsicle sticks and
Biomedical Engineering, and ASU student volun- hot glue. With only these two materials, that had
teers. The participants were able to experience the to create a bridge that was structurally sound.
world of science, technology, engineering, and Lastly, participants created catapults using a
math through the use of hands-on activities.
spoon, rubber bands, paper clips, and popsicle
Participants had an opportunity to build houses sticks. The catapults were put to the test by their
made of toothpicks and marshmallows. They ability to sling erasers across the room. The
were given 15 minutes to make a two-story house groups were able to compete against one another
that is able to stand on its own. Thereafter, they using the catapults to get the erasers to hit a
created houses made of pasta and marshmallows. certain target to earn points.
These homes were put to the structural test of Overall, with the assistance of Dr. Dean and the
withstanding the weight of first one iPhone and students of ASU, our Signature Program partici-
then the weight of two iPhones.
pants were able to explore the world of STEM and
In the next activity, participants were able to learn how these areas of studies can create path-
construct and wire their own Robo Cars. Once ways to their future endeavors.