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MAC Minority & Small Business
Vendor Fair 2019
Montgomery (AL) Alumnae Chapter held its We are thankful to all sorors and community
Inaugural Minority & Small Business Vendor supporters that made the Inaugural Minority &
Small Vendor Business Fair a success. The
Fair on Saturday, November 2, 2019, at Tren-
holm State Community College - Patterson “IMPACT” that this event had on the River
Campus’s Auditorium. The Economic Devel- Region was only the beginning to “Building
opment Committee provided the River Region our communities by supporting our business-
with information to assist in improving eco- es.” The Montgomery (AL) Alumnae Chapter
nomic development and growth in the black continues to be “Committed to Impactful Ser-
community. This event highlighted the Mont- vice.”
gomery (AL) Alumnae Chapter’s initiative re-
lated to Financial Fortitude which is specifi-
cally designed to promote understanding of
all aspects of the financial system. Vendors
provided valuable information and resources
in the areas of budgeting, home ownership
and entrepreneurship.
There were over 150 attendees from the Riv-
er Region and more than 15 vendors partici-
pating in this year’s fair. Participants also had
the opportunity to support local entrepreneurs
by purchasing goods such as: jewelry, cloth-
ing, accessories, crafts, and food.