Page 2 - Torch - December 2019 lessthan5
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President’s Message continued
Founders Day Committee is depending on the chapter to pack the room to receive our 21 National Pres-
ident, Soror Marcia L. Fudge. The Founders Day Observance will be held on Saturday, February 1, 2020
at the Embassy Hotel located at 300 Tallapoosa Street in downtown Montgomery. This year’s theme is
The Movement Continues: Same Vision-Stronger Commitment-Greater Service. The Rededication will
begin at 9:00 AM and the luncheon will begin at 11:00 AM.
Congratulations to all sorors that have received awards, promotions, positive life changing events in the
year of 2019. I pray for all sorors that experienced loss, disappointments and less than happy experienc-
es in the year of 2019. Collectively let us pray for a happy and joyous holiday season and a new year
better than the one before.
Lastly, I ask that you reflect upon the real reason for the season!
Committed to IMPACTFUL Service,
Cassandra E. Brown
Chapter President