Page 6 - Torch - December 2019 lessthan5
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Your Physical & Mental Health
Peaceful MIND, Healthy BODY, Joyful SPIRIT
Submitted by Soror Tiffany H. Taft
Dance like nobody’s watching! Love like you have 2. Begin to reflect on the 1 or 2 things that you
never been hurt! Sing as though no one can hear want to change or do differently in the new year.
you! Live like its heaven on earth. Free yourself These items should be ways in which you will
and lightened your mood! Tis the season to be personally grow, benefit, gain, or experience life
filled with Joy. Take time for moments of in a different more meaningful way.
reflection and reconnection to the things that
3. Use this month to re-evaluate relationships,
matter most. Make time for you, family, friends,
friendships, family, and work relationships that
and things that bring you Joy. This time of year is
need to be mended, healed, give a voice to your
known to be more slow, quiet, and filled with
pain and your joy. Maybe consider telling some-
alone time. Make it a point to get out and social-
one, I love you! I’m Sorry! Please Forgive Me! I
ize and connect with people and things that nur-
See You! Chose those that you wish to nurture
ture you. While alone time is healthy, too much
and move forward with and allow yourself to be
alone time is actually not good. Take charge of
free of the guilt for leaving others behind.
your Mind, Body, and Spirit and renew or begin
Your New Year is FILLED with new possibilities
simple rituals that you hold most dear (read a
and requires you to show up in a different way.
book, journal, walk, connect with loved ones).
Be ready to embrace and chase those things that
Home for the holiday:
you have been neglecting or putting off for a
1. We spend so much time connected to our rainy day. Now is the time! Move forward!
devices that we often leave little time for our-
selves. I challenge you to #disconnect for at least
Verse of Reflection: “Her ways are pleasant
1 hour per day during the month of December.
ways, and all her paths are peaceful”
Notice how much more calm, peaceful, and
productive you may be. If you want to really be a …Proverbs 3:17
rock star, try disconnecting for an entire day or
weekend. When you disconnect from devices you Tiffany H. Taft, PhD, is an Integrative Health and Wellness
are then able to reconnect with family, friends, or Therapist focused on the science and well-being of the Mind,
YOU in a more meaningful way. Don't allow the Body, and Spirit. You may contact her directly via email: or via her website:
devices to take away the connections that matter
most. Put all that stuff down and BE present in
the moment. Enjoy!