Page 8 - Torch - December 2019 lessthan5
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Arts & Letters Committee

                                                 Sunday at the MAC-inee
                                            DST Red Carpet Film Initiative
                                          Submitted by: Soror Jimmetta Gourdine

                                                                   with the Elite’ Social Civic Club and the Knights
                                                                 of Peter Claver Court 345 were among those in
                                                                 attendance  who  strolled  the  MAC-inee  Red

                                                                 Arts & Letters Committee movie event coordina-
                                                                 tors Sorors Celena Pitts and Jazmen Williams
                                                                 along  with  subcommittee  members:  Evelyn
                                                                 Boyd, Felissa Clemons, Linda Osborne, Tracy
                                                                 Parks,  Doris  Pugh,  Wanda  Robinson,  and
                                                                 Robin Wood       organized the event, welcomed
                                                                 all attendees and provided information and direc-
                                                                 tions  along  with  a  “Delta”  snack  pack.  Soror
                                                                 Cassandra E. Brown, chapter president greeted
                                                                 excited moviegoers in two         auditoriums prior
                                                                 to the start of the film.
           How does the Montgomery (AL) Alumnae Chapter
           sponsor a MAC-inee Red Carpet Event? MAC-DST                   ~Movie Goers’ Comments~
           does it in the comfort of over 400 sorors, family and   “I  don't  generally  go  to  the  movies,  but  I  am
           friends,  all  joined  together  on  Sunday,  November   glad  I  went  to  see  this  one.   The  depiction  of
           10, 2019, for a SOLD-OUT private viewing of the        Harriet's relationship with God was truly inspi-
           movie  “Harriet”  at  the  AMC  Festival  Plaza  16     rational.  The movie was true to its title "Harriet
           Theatre in Montgomery, Alabama.                        Tubman" in that it highlighted the personality/
                                                                  character of Harriet Tubman and the magnitude
           The film  is  a powerful,  amazing and true story  of   of her commitment to secure freedom for herself
           iconic freedom fighter Harriet Tubman, directed by     and  other  slaves.   Her  actions  throughout  the
                                                                  movie  exemplified  her  statement,  "...Death  or
           Kasi Lemmons. The story tells of her escape from       Liberty - one or the other I mean to have....”  I
           slavery  and  subsequent  missions  to  free  family,   would pay to watch this movie again!”
           friends  and  other  enslaved  people  through  the
           Underground Railroad in the face of growing Pre-       "It  is  a  great  story  of  unwavering  faith,
           Civil War adversity.                                   grit, determination and courage! Thanks for the
                                                                  invite! I love you all my sisters."
           Sorors of the Montgomery (AL) Alumnae Chapter,
           Beta Eta Chapter, participants of the Signature Pro-   "It was a really good movie.  Harriet was a bad
           grams,  community  churches:  Bethelonia  Baptist,       girl."
           Beulah  Missionary  Baptist,  Hall  Memorial  CME,     Remember: Our goal in supporting films is not
           Hutchinson  Missionary  Baptist,  Mt.  Olive  Baptist,   solely centered on planning to see them, but also
           Mt. Sinai Baptist, Shiloh Missionary Baptist, Rock     proving  through  our  attendance  that  there  is  a
           Creek Baptist, Vaughn Road Church of Christ along      market for more films like these.
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