Page 15 - Magazine talking with Patricia
P. 15


             THAT GENERATE                                                                                                      CONSEQUENCES

                            STRESS                                                                                                       OF STRESS

          Factors of the environment that                                                                                  Chronic stress can raise blood

          trigger           stress           are          called                                                           pressure, suppress the immune

          stressors.           Not        all     stress         is                                                        system, increase the risk of heart

          caused           by       external           factors.                                                            attack and stroke, contribute to

          Stress          can         also         be        self-                                                         infertility, and ultimately lead to
                                                                                                                           adrenal fatigue. Long-term stress
          generated like worrying about
                                                                                                                           can even rewire the brain, leaving
          something that may or may not
                                                                                                                           you more vulnerable to anxiety
          happen            or      having           irrational                                                            and depression.

          thoughts about life. Examples of

          stress factors include noises,                                                                                   You have more control over your
                                                                                                                           stress levels than you might
          aggressive                behavior,              scary
                                                                                                                           think. You can take proactive

          moments in movies, or even                                                                                       steps to address the stress load

          going out on a first date. The                                                                                   your          body          bears,           however

          more stressors we experience,                                                                                    significant it may be.

          the more stressed we feel.
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