Page 22 - Visionary Arts 2019
P. 22
“ To Be or Not To Be: Singaporeaness through
Contested Notions of National Identity ”
Mr. Poramet Aiemsa-ard
Photo by Mike Enerio on Unsplash
“We, the citizens of Singapore, pledge ourselves as one united
people…” The National pledge of Singapore
After becoming independent from the Malaysian Union in
1965, Singapore has sought the most effective way to develop the
country, which could be seen as its raison d’être. Strived for the
prosperity of the nation, the importance of economic growth as a
mechanism to potentially achieve its goal is emphasised. Singapore,
thus, has endeavoured to heighten its economic development since
then. However, such advancement cannot be the mere basis of national
identity. Both societal and cultural aspects are also essential factors
contributing to the identification. Therefore, it is crucial to
conceptualise the idea of national identity. This paper is determined to
elicit contested notions of national identity from different viewpoints of
the government and its populations, and to question the possibility to
define such term, according to the opportunity to explore Singapore by
‘Visionary Arts 2019’ project.