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Getting more help

                               This brief introduction to being an employer really just scratches the surface of
                               the legal matters you have to watch out for, but there are many organisations out
                               there that can help you navigate through the different rules.

                                     Disability Rights UK


                                     Disability Rights UK produce high quality information, products
                                     and services developed by and for disabled people, including factsheets
                                     and a personal budgets helpline: Telephone: 0330 995 0404,

                                     The helpline provides advice on getting direct payments, including
                                     information on:
                               •   personal budgets/personalisation

                               •   how to access social care funding in the light of the Care Act

                               •   general advice on employing personal assistants.

                               Skills for Care

                               There is a toolkit for employing personal assistants developed by Skills for Care.
                               This toolkit helps individual employers employ their own personal assistants.
                               It contains links to different sections within the toolkit and the useful templates.
                               It also contains a sample of a contract of employment. There are also links to
                               organisations you can access for more support and information. You can view the
                               online interactive toolkit by visiting:


                               The Pensions Regulator

                               Automatic enrolment affects all employers with staff in the UK, even care and
                               support employers. We talk more about auto enrolment on page 37 and in the
                               ‘Auto enrolment’ section of our website:


                               The Pensions Regulator is in charge of auto enrolment and has specific help for
                               care and support employers, including a video, which gives an introduction to
                               what you need to do and where to find help:


           page 22             Taking on a personal assistant – a basic guide • Employment law
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