Page 13 - Daggabay Magazine Issue 6
P. 13
Then that is speaking about the
Editors Note: In This edition of the medical side of things, there is also the
magazine you will find a lot more agricultural side of things, here they
advertisements that normal, a few of seem to be a little more loose as they
these we notice might be advertising see hemp as a big cash crop, but in the
some sort of cannabis product, if you meeting they were apparently waiting
are looking for medical cannabis for Sahpra and Sahpra was apparently
products for example a person that has waiting on them?? some mixed signals
cancer with an already compromised but in the end I hope they sort it out. So
immune system, its important to ask if one of the companies in Daggabay
the people where you getting the stuff Magazine is selling something cannabis
from for not only the cannabinoid related they obviously feel comfortable
profiles, but more importantly the tests enough to let the world know, we as
for pesticides and heavy metals can
make or break the recovery for a cancer Daggabay can only do so much research
patient, Always ask for as much test into the companies that have vendor
paper as possible, check the date when accounts with us, or even advertise in
the test was made, speak to the people our magazine, please do your own
and try and figure out are they just research and make sure you know what
there to try and make money out of you are getting, and just be aware on a
you, or do they really care about people national level it is still very tricky to
and would take the time and effort to legally stock cannabis products CBD or
make the products the right way with not.
the right starting ingredients?
*DaggaBay will not be held
Be careful as of the 27 thNovember responsible for any criminal charges
at the webinar we hear any selling of encurred, we are here to support the
any plant matter is still not allowed by community and do not sell anything
law, and the CBD products that was illegal, if some company is
legalized have got such strict advertizing something they must be
requirements for producing and even able to support why&how they can
being allowed to sell it is still kind of sell it, we just post the ads.
very tricky, but not impossible.
In the future Daggabay will be
planning to be able to test and stock
these products from licensed
producers, until then its the wild west
out there, please stay safe.