Page 14 - Daggabay Magazine Issue 6
P. 14

Brenda: We also need to discuss the dangers of                                Masego Moobi: Ms
    over-regulating this industry; bearing in mind that                           Mokgadi may you
    anyone can now grow their own for personal use                                please give an
    and share their grows without regulation.                                     indication on the cost of
                                                                                  licensing. is it depended
    Jacqui Ramage:                           Ras Gideon Sipho                     on factors such as the
    SAHPRA can only inspect a                Mantula: What is the                 size of land intended for
    site that aligns with what the           purpose of conducting an             cultivation? which other
    Site Master File indicates.              observational cannabis               factors influence the
    SAHPRA has to inspect                    trial in South Africa and            pricing of the license.
    actual not prospective. It is            why still apply
    understood that                          International law in Afrika -
    funders/investors will require
    "security" but that is their                            Phumza Vitshima: Medicinal part is still
    mitigated risk to ensure that                           under Health and is so expensive to get
    their input has the necessary                           a licence with so many requirements that
    requirements to meet any                                one need to meet and our people can not
    SAHPRA licence, not only                                afford that      R24 000,how are those
    cannabis. All S6 components                             growers in rural areas are going to
    require this level of                                   bennefit as indigenous growers.
    inspection to ensure a safe             Brenda: You're
    and efficacious product to              dead right, Phumsa.               Phumza Vitshima: The
    patients.                               The only way                      people from the province

                                            around it is to grow              are using cannabis in its
                                                                              original state and are the
                                            your own currently.               healthiest people do you

     Thulani Gatsha Mrhetjha: All government                                  not think by allowing low
     department are affected by this development, so                          % of THC you are
     all departments must present their strategic plan                        reducing the

     inline with this development, all government                             effectiveness of the
     department are all affected, and they must all                           medicine
     come on board                                                                 Sis Mimi CDCSA
                                 Nicholas Heinamann: The mayors
     Nicholas                                                                      SG: my last advice
     Heinamann:                  are still very active and involved.               let's look and take
     When is SAPS                The Eastern Cape is leading the                   good approach of
     going to stop               way from a government                             EC rather than

     arresting people            perspective                                       western model's.  I
     for dagga?                                                                    thank you all

      Zenlife International:The Bill is an infringement of                        Wessel: why prohibit the
      the Basic Human Right to choose how you treat and  rest of SA to grow and be
      care for your own body.                                                     part of the market ? giving
                                                                                  only access to
                                                                                  pharmaceuticals to export
    Brigadier Francois van Graan: At present,                                     and why not open up the
    quantities are not prescribed in any legislation,                             recreational and industrial
    the Constitutional Court only said that small                                 markets to generate more
    quantities are permitted. by an adult. SAPS                                   income? these are
    circular states that such small quantities that                               solutions we have for
    qualify for personal use and possession must be                               economic problems. FREE
    returned if there is no prosecution.                                          THE PLANT.
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