Page 10 - Daggabay Magazine Issue 6
P. 10

Happy Holidays

                                                                                  Cannabis Community

                                                                               We would like to thank the

                                                                                 cannabis community for

                                                                                  doing so much for the

                                                                                    community in 2020!

                                                                                2020 was a hard year, but

                                                                                   that did not stop the

                                                                                cannabis community, we

                                                                                had the privilege to write

                                                                                 about all these amazing


                                                                       We look forward to meeting

                                                                      more people in the cannabis

                                                                        community and exploring

                                                                        the cannabis industry. We

                                                                      want to thank everyone who

                                                                        supports us, we are happy

                                                                       to be a part of the cannabis

                                                                          community because the

                                                                       people we met are some of

                                                                         the nicest people we have

                                                                                   come across.
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