Page 15 - Daggabay Magazine Issue 6
P. 15

Phumza Vitshima: Is it                         Phumza Vitshima:             Then the 200 farmers
         possible for the Green                          can also have an access and work on it to

         Consortium to apply for                                 process their own products without
         one Licence and work with                            everyone make their application so as
         the 200 farmers of                                   indigenous farmers that can not afford
         cannabis in order to have a                          R24 000 can also be accommodated in
                                                                                      their areas of fields.
         manufacturing plant and                     Ras Gideon Sipho
         maintain that branding                      Mantula: The bill is            Jacqui Ramage: It is
                                                     flawed and unjust               still in draft and not
     Ras Gideon Sipho Mantula:                       Zenlife International:          finalised - this is why
     Cannabis is not a drug no matter                Traditional Healers             we need these
     what Apartheid laws have said                   have got centuries of           comments and

                                                     experience in growing           platforms to make it
                    Ras Gideon Sipho                 and using Cannabis.             truly just for all, not
           Mantula: All government                   Government can                  just some.
        departments implicated in                    benefit from
              the cannabis industry                  collaboration with
                    have betrayed our                Traditional Healers.
           struggle since 1994 and
             they are now colluding
             with western investors                   Jacqui Ramage: This plant makes it truly
           and drafting unjust laws                   possible for everyone to benefit with the

              further - time will tell..              correct intent and energy, that is the baseline
                                                      challenge. If it is the disruptor that will
      Zenlife International:       I                  change the world, it's going to have to bring
      think when it comes to                          all people together, not just some.
      politics, we are not                   Ras Gideon Sipho
      politicians. It is up to us                                            Ras Gideon Sipho Mantula:
      to work WITH the System                Mantula: The new
      and change the narrative               bill is drafted                 Lack of intergovernmental
      from a blaming to a                    through western                 cooperation and now they
      inclusive one. No one                  lens and ink                    collude to suppress and
      likes to be told they are                                              oppress their own through a
      wrong - even if they are.                                              bill
      Let us put the FOCUS on
      the Benefits to                     Brenda: The
      government, rather than             recreational                   Pumza Vitshima: Thank you so
                                                                         much Gareth for your effort in
      the blaming. I understand           market is so much
      it is a sensitive issue, but        bigger than the                trying to pave way for Cannabis
                                                                         Industry in the RSA to benefit the
      swimming against the                medicinal market.
      stream is not helping               However, without               economic melt down especially
                                                                         during and post Covid.
      anyone. We need to learn            necessarily being
      the language of                     aware of it,              Ras Gideon Sipho Mantula:                  The
      Governments and                     "recreational"            Cannabis Private Purpose Bill is also
      Businesses. And that                cannabis is also          criminalises the growers and users-
      language is Profit. What            medicinal. you            we need to remove the powers of the
      can they Profit out of              can't take that           law enforcement agencies - we are
      Cannabis whilst still                                         liberated political for now and
      empowering the people.              away from the
                                          plant.                    culturally we are on moving towards

         Ralph Higgo: Price of cbd is falling through the
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