Page 10 - June 2019 final online
P. 10
By Rashawnda Atkinson
In an effort to share the love—and to put my art and school
ease—of scrapbooking with the next pictures in there,” Esta
generation, Scrapbook Club organizer says as she decides how
Diane Mullins formed a group just for to best arrange the cut-
them. Hauling the scrapbooking sup- outs in the book she’s
plies out of the one-bedroom unit she finishing.
shares with husband and fellow scrap- “Shall I use the glue
booker Phil for a few hours each pen?” Esta asks aloud as
week, she sets time aside for any she ponders what else to
young person who wants to come and add to her book. Eventu-
crop—the technical term for scrap- ally she decides to go
booking. back to the Cricut to cut
out another flower be-
How it Began fore attaching all the
“The Scrapbook Club started in the pieces to her pages for
fall of 2017 with the support of Liz the day.
Phipps, WAL’s Activities Director.
Diane initially started alone, but over Not too long after Esta
time a few neighbors joined her. The starts working, another Let the Scrapbook club show you how your printed or
group continued to meet on Saturdays child arrives. She immedi- digital photos can become a work of art!
and then something unexpected hap- ately notices Diane’s pixie
pened. -style haircut and remarks that it isn’t
the “real Diane” because that one has “There’s no right or wrong way to
“Two young girls started showing up longer hair. Both Diane and I burst out scrapbook…You can’t make a mis-
with the regular group…and they just laughing because it took us by sur- take. All you need is your pictures and
kept coming back,” Diane says. “I prise. if you’re making a book, a little dou-
couldn’t give them the attention the ble-sided tape.”
children needed so I thought it best to Seychelle is a precocious 10-year old
start something just for them!” who does a lot of the work on her “We need more kids to come. I love
own. That’s the beauty of how Diane scrapbooking because I get to meet
And that’s how the Junior Scrapbook- runs the club, remarking that it’s a new friends. They can meet new peo-
ing Club was born. learning process for both the youth as ple too and become friends here,”
well as for her. Seychelle says as she packs up and
You Can Do It Too prepares to leave for the day.
In strolls Esta, a spunky 7-year-old “Teach the kids what to do and make
girl who’s eager to get started. Her them independent. Give them the free- More Than Photos
father and she share stories with Diane dom to create things as they desire. For Diane, scrapbooking seems to be
about Tae Kwon Do, the weekend, Sometimes you even get ideas from one of the many ways she both tells
and upcoming family travels. Then them too,” Diane says. the story of her life and gives back to
she gives her father one last hug be- the community.
fore she rushes in and spreads her At this meeting, Seychelle shows off
scrapbooks out all over the table. This one of her recent projects featuring In a world where we’re constantly
day, she’s working on the red bunny images of when she danced in a pa- snapping photos or receiving boxes of
that she cut out herself using the same rade in Bolivia while traveling with images typically passed down through
Cricut machine Diane uses and taught family. She talks about her scrapbooks the years, it makes sense to organize
the girls to cut out letters, shapes, and and what the group means to her. “I them in a way that helps the memories
objects on their own. get to plan what I want to do and do it live on. For a few hours on a Saturday
the way I want. When you’re done, morning, kids and teens can drop in to
“I like scrapbooking because it’s fun. I you’re proud to say, I did that!” she capture the moments in life that mean
can do the things I want to, and I get exclaims. the most to them.
Page 10 Wheel June 2019