Page 9 - June 2019 final online
P. 9
USTA-certified Tennis Pro and ton Post after the historic win.
WAL Tennis Instructor Kinde “For us to win this is great!” he con-
Taye’s team at St. Stephen’s and St. cluded.
Agnes School in Alexandria, VA
won the Interstate Athletic Confer- When not coaching his private
ence Championship. school team, Kaye is at WAL where Kinde is all smiles after the historic win.
he teaches our residents the game Photo: Kinde Taye
The No. 2 Double Boys team won through ProFit at our property’s Rac-
four straight matches after being quet Club. FREE Tennis Expo
down 0 – 2 to the 2-time defending Saturday, June 8
champions from Landon School in Sign up for one of the upcoming Outdoor Tennis Courts • 10 a.m.
Bethesda, MD. The victory marks classes if you’re looking to hone
and end to the 60-year championship your tennis skills. Or you can find Meet USTA-certified Tennis Pro
drought for boy’s tennis at St. Ste- out if tennis is for you at our upcom- Kinde Taye at our Annual Tennis
phens/St. Agnes. ing Tennis Expo on Saturday, June 8 Expo! Attendees learn the rules be-
if you want to learn more about this hind the game and practice common
“It’s a tough league…a tennis play- popular sport! tennis drills.
er’s league.” Taye told the Washing-
June 2019 Wheel Page 9