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P. 6
By Antoinette Fischman
World War II (WWII) Veteran same time the American movie
and Watergate Resident Robert was released,” Bob recounts.
“Bob” Fischman received the
medal “Knight in the Order of the Bob also participated in bombard-
French Legion of Honour” from ing Normandy, France—
French Ambassador Gérard remember D-Day, which has its
Araud on May 7, 2019 at the 75 Anniversary this year—while
French Embassy in Washington, it was under German control. The
DC. As the highest honor be- Battleship Texas was hit 3 times
stowed by France, Fischman’s act by German gunnery which inca-
of bravery, carried out nearly 75 pacitated the battleship. The USS
years ago, was thoroughly vetted Texas was sent to England for The USS Texas today is a museum located
over a period of nearly two years repair and then sent back to battle along the Houston Ship Channel where
visitors can learn about life for a sailor.
by the French before receiving the Germans on French-owned
such an honor. territories. War II and who fought on French
territory qualify to be decorated
“At age 17, I enlisted in the Navy “The battle continued at Omaha as Knights of the Legion of Hon-
and was assigned to the USS Bat- Beach where the American Rang- or. Veterans must have fought in
ers were shot or killed…hundreds one of the four main campaigns of
of them. On the ship, I was or- the Liberation of France: Nor-
dered by the Commander in mandy, Provence, Ardennes or
Charge to go to the edge of the
cliffs and pick up as many Northern France.” Fischman joins
wounded (among the dead) that I nearly 100,000 Legion of Honour
could. I had the Captain’s Gig—a recipients to include Generals
small boat that Navy battleships
had onboard at the time—and
saved 35 Rangers. One died while
taking them back to the emergen-
cy hospital on the ship, but the
rest survived.” Bob said.
Fischman was onboard the USS
Fischman at 17 when he enters the Navy. Texas for about 2 years and en-
Photo: Bob Fischman
gaged in all its battles concerning
tleship Texas for military duty. I France and its territories con-
had to have my father’s signature trolled by the Germans during
to enlist,” Bob explains beginning World War II.
his narration. Bob Fischman wears the medal awarded
About the Honor to him by the French Ambassador to the
“At the beginning of the U.S.’s The French Legion of Honour U.S., Gérard Araud.
involvement in World War II, I was first established by Napoleon
was assigned to the battle of Bonaparte in May 1802. Accord- Dwight Eisenhower and Douglas
French areas of North Africa, in- ing to the French Embassy web- MacArthur.
filtrated by the Germans which site, “American veterans who
included Casablanca…around the
risked their lives during World
Page 6 Wheel June 2019