Page 120 - Complete Advanced SB-
P. 120

                            Vocabulary and grammar review Unit 9

        Vocabulary                                     2  For questions 1–8 read the text below.  Use the word given
                                                         in capitals at the end of some of the lines to form a word that

        1  Complete the sentences below by writing       fits in the gap in the same line. There is an example at the
          the correct word, action, activity, event or   beginning (0).
          programme, in the gaps.
             The stadium is a hive of          , with              Commuters on bikes
             workers hurrying to get it fi nished before the   Cyclists who commute readily make the
             games.                                      (0)    admission   that part of the reason for   "%.*5
             The authorities have asked the police to    riding a bike is to beat the traffi c. There is a
             take            against anyone caught       thrill in weaving around (1)                    "11&"3
             scrawling graffi ti on the town hall.        stationary cars. Also, without licence plates any
             The sporting            I most enjoy        traffi c (2)             they commit is virtually   0''&/%
             doing is sailing.                           untraceable. ‘It’s really exciting to look at your
             Can you look on the            to see       speedometer and see that you’re going at 30
             when the interval is?                       miles an hour,’ said one                        */5&37*&8
             For me, one of the most exciting and historic   in our survey. Many cyclists now record their
                         of the last century was the fall
                                                                           journeys to work with a       %":
             of the Berlin Wall.
                                                         camera mounted on their helmet and post them
             The fi nal           of this weekend’s       online to show the trip in (5)                  GRAPH
             festival of Irish culture will be a traditional   detail. There are now cyclists who also record
             folk dance.                                 (6)               or dangerous driving and post   $0/4*%&3
             Thanks to prompt             by the fi re    it online to shame the drivers.
             service, the school fi re was prevented from
             spreading to the neighbouring houses.       What the speed of bikes and their mass
             The government plans to unveil its electoral   (7)            have done is foster an        "7"*-"#-&
                         later today.                    attitude of moral (8)             : that        461&3*03
                                                         because cyclists are so vulnerable, it is everyone
                                                         else who should be on the lookout for them.


        3  Circle the correct alternative in italics in each of the following sentences.

             Sonia will call you as soon as she will fi nish / has fi nished lunch.
             I’ll do the cooking tonight when everyone else works / is working.
             It wasn’t until the match was / had been over that he realised he’d strained
             a muscle.
             I haven’t seen him at all since he is working / has been working there.
             In future, please don’t call me while I will have / I’m having my supper.
             Rory learnt to speak Arabic perfectly when he was working / had worked in
             As soon as the teacher has arrived / arrived, we started work.
             Tracey and Pierre performed together in perfect harmony and while she
             played / was playing the piano, he sang in a high tenor voice.

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