Page 121 - Complete Advanced SB-
P. 121

                            Vocabulary and grammar review Unit 10

        Vocabulary                                                          Grammar

        1  Circle the correct alternatives in italics in each of these      3  Complete these sentences with the
          sentences.                                                          correct form of must, need or have to. In
                                                                              some cases more than one answer is
             The system aims to give everyone an equal / a same opportunity at
             the beginning of their lives.                                    possible.
             Friday is the last / late chance we’ll have to enter the competition.     My new job starts next Monday.
             The swearing-in of the fi rst woman president was a historic /      Hopefully, I                 work such
             historical occasion.                                               long hours as I do now.
             There’s a slight / little possibility that I won’t be back in time for      I         make sure I
             tomorrow’s meeting.                                                wake up in time for my fi rst lecture.
             Don’t lose / miss this gold / golden opportunity to win a two-week   Yesterday, I didn’t have any lectures, so I
             holiday in the south of France.                                                      get up at all.
             There seems to be a factual / real possibility that the party will lose      Our lecturers have told us that we
             at the next election.                                                                send them our
             The funeral of the fi refi ghters who died in the blaze was a very   assignments by email, otherwise they
             depressed / solemn occasion.                                       won’t mark them. This means we
             In my opinion, everyone deserves a next / second chance in life.                     have our own email.
                                                                                 Take it easy! Today’s lecture’s been
        2  For questions 1–8, read the text below. Use the word given in        cancelled, so you
          capitals at the end of some of the lines to form a word that fi ts in   hurry.
          the gap in the same line. There is an example at the beginning.        You                  smoke in here.

                                                                                Didn’t you see the sign? If you want a
           Adult learners have many (0)  characteristics   that   $)"3"$5&3     cigarette, you                 go
           distinguish them from school or college learners.                    outside.
           Firstly, they come to courses with experiences and                    I                 get some cash out
           (1)              in diverse areas. They often prefer  ,/08           before the weekend – otherwise I’m
           practical learning (2)           that enable     ACT                 going to run out.
           them to draw on the skills and experience they have              4  Four of these sentences have mistakes
           acquired. In the main, adults have               3&"-              with modal verbs. Correct the mistakes.
           aims and have                 insights into what   7"-6&
           is likely to be successful. In addition to this, they are             It’s a complicated route – I hope I could
           (5)              able to relate new facts to past   3&"%:            fi nd my way back.
           experiences and enjoy having their talents explored                   You can fi nd all the information you’ll ever
           in (6)             situations. Adults have       -&"3/               need on Wikipedia.
                                                                                 We’re delighted to inform you that we
           established opinions and beliefs, which have been
                                                                                could offer you the post of manager.
           formed over time through their experience of families,
                                                                                 At the fourth attempt I could pass my
           work, community, or politics.
                                                                                driving test. The fi rst three times, I failed
           A (7)              of adults also have intrinsic   ."+03             spectacularly.
           motivation and their effort increases because of their                If you were a fast reader, you could be
           desire to learn. They are also motivated by the                      able to fi nish that novel in one evening.
           (8)              of the material to be addressed,   3&-&7"/5
           and learn better when material is related to their
           own needs and interests.

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