Page 125 - Complete Advanced SB-
P. 125                                                                                         Unit  1 1
                                                                                                                 Unit 11

          Terry wouldn’t have insisted on climbing to the top of the   4    These sentences each contain one mistake
          mountain if he wasn’t so stubborn.                      made by exam candidates. Correct the mistakes.
             Which underlined verb refers to past time?
             How would the meaning change if we said, ‘If he hadn’t      If you eat so much chocolate, you wouldn’t enjoy the
            been so stubborn.’?                                      delicious cake I’ve made.
                                                                     I would be grateful if you send me a reply at your
             QBHF     -BOHVBHF SFGFSFODF  Conditionals               earliest convenience.
        3  Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form. You      If you do not give me a refund, I am obliged to write to
          will need to decide on the correct conditional form        the local council.
          and whether the verb should be simple or continuous.       If you had followed all my instructions, you would now
                                                                     stand in front of the cathedral.
             If you                   (not leave) the map at         In my country few people smoke, so if I were you, I
            home, we                      (not wander) around        won’t smoke at all.
            this forest right now, looking for somewhere to spend the      If I was able to travel back in history and I had the
            night.                                                   chance to choose where exactly to go, then I would
             Innsbruck is a lovely city and if I                     have travelled four centuries into the past.
            (not rush) to catch a train just now, I             5  For questions 1–6, complete the second sentence so
            (be) happy to show you around a bit.
                                                                  that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence,
             Kamal always thinks he knows best, and if he         using the word given. Do not change the word
                                 (not be) such an obstinate man,   given. You must use between three and six words,
            we                      (probably reach) the hotel by   including the word given.
            now instead of being stuck in this traffic jam.           As long as I know you’ll support me, I won’t worry
             ‘What do you do when you fall ill on holiday?’          about money.
            ‘Well, it hasn’t happened to me yet, but I guess I      $06/5
                                 (try) to find a local doctor who     Provided I                       support me, I
                                                                     won’t worry about money.
            spoke some English. If I
            seriously ill, I                (have) to get help       I don’t think we’ll miss the train if we leave home on
            from the consulate.’                                     time.
             If I                 (be) you, I                       -0/(
            (carry) my money in a money belt.                       We should manage to catch the train
                                                                                            off from home on time.
             It was your own fault. The accident
            (not happen) if you                   (concentrate)      Martin is only working late tonight because he has to
            properly at the time.                                    finish an urgent job.
             Karen is an intrepid traveller and I don’t imagine she     Martin would not                    he had to
                                 (ever abandon) a journey unless     finish an urgent job.
            she                      (travel) somewhere really
            unpleasant or dangerous.                                 Ellie was given a trophy by her school because she had
                                                                     worked so hard.
             If you                   (like) to come with me, I     13&4&/5&%
                                 (show) you to your room.
                                                                    Ellie’s school                      a trophy if she
                                                                     had not worked so hard.
                                                                     Could you please cancel my appointment?
                                                                    I                        cancel my appointment.

                                                                     If it had not been for some unexpected difficulties, we
                                                                     would not be feeling so stressed.
                                                                    If some unexpected difficulties                    ,
                                                                     we would not be feeling so stressed.

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