Page 130 - Complete Advanced SB-
P. 130
        Being somewhere else

        Writing | 1BSU                                          4  Read this review without paying attention to the
                                                                  gaps. Which plan, A, B or C, does it follow? If the
        " SFWJFX                                                  answer is C, write the plan.
        1  Read this writing task and underline the points you
          must deal with in your answer.

          You see the announcement below on a website called

           HOTELS NEAR ME
           We’d like to know what local people think of
           different hotels in their area, so we’re opening a
           section written by local people to help visitors to
           choose the hotel which suits them best.
           Send us a review which recommends two hotels in
           your area for two different types of visitor and says
                                                                   Two hotels in St Petersburg
           what sort of visitor each hotel would suit and why.
                                                                   St Petersburg is an important business as well as tourist
          Write your SFWJFX in 220–260 words.                      destination.  1            , business people often
                                                                   don’t like sharing their hotels with tour groups and
                                                                   require different facilities.  2      ,
        2  Work in pairs. Make notes on the following points.
                                                                   holidaymakers want a break from the serious
          t  the two types of visitor you could write for          atmosphere of a business hotel. Each of the hotels I
          t  what things each type of visitor would want to know   recommend caters for a different type of visitor.
            about when reading a review
        3  Discuss: Which of these do you think would be the       Situated on Nevski Prospect not far from the Hermitage
                                                                   Museum, Nevinski Hostel is a compact, moderately-
          best plan for the review?                                priced hotel which would suit backpackers and tourists
                                                                   on a tight budget. The rooms are clean and airy,
          Plan A
                                                                   3              quite basic, with twin beds and en-
          Para 1:  Introduction: why different types of hotel suit
                 different visitors                                suite bathrooms.
          Paras 2 and 3:  Features of hotel 1
                                                                   Nevski Prospect is the main shopping street, so it
          Paras 4 and 5:  Features of hotel 2                      wouldn’t suit light sleepers  4         you should
          Para 6:  Conclusion: the type of visitor each hotel      expect some noise  5              from the constant
                 would suit and why

          Plan B
          Para 1:  Introduction: the range of hotels available
                 in your area, which two you have chosen to
                 review and why
          Para 2: Comparison of rooms and prices in each hotel
          Paras 3  and 4:  Comparison of other features in each
                 hotel, e.g. business facilities, restaurant, gym
          Para 5:  Conclusion: the type of visitor each hotel
                 would suit and why

          Plan C
          If you don’t like either Plan A or Plan B, discuss and
          write your own plan for the review.

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