Page 135 - Complete Advanced SB-
P. 135                                                                                         Unit 12


          By the end of this process, Alex had the intelligence of a
          five-year-old child and had not reached his full potential.
          He had a vocabulary of 150 words. He knew the names of
          50 objects and could describe their colours and shapes.
          He could answer questions about objects’ properties,
          even when he had not seen that particular combination of
          properties before. He could ask for things, and would reject
          a proffered item and ask again if it was not what he wanted.
          He understood the concepts of ‘bigger’, ‘smaller’, ‘same’
          and ‘different’. And he could count up to six, including the
          number zero. He even knew when and how to apologise if
          he annoyed Dr Pepperberg or her colleagues.


          There are still a few researchers who think Alex’s skills were
          the result of rote learning rather than abstract thought. Alex,
          though, convinced most in the field that birds as well as
          mammals can evolve complex and sophisticated cognition,
          and communicate the results to others.
                                                                  D   Early studies had concluded that linguistic ability in apes
          Adapted from The Economist                                 was virtually non-existent. But researchers had made
                                                                     the elementary error of trying to teach their anthropoid
                                                                     subjects to speak. Chimpanzee vocal cords are simply
                                                                     not up to this, and it was not until someone had the idea
          A   And so it proved. Using a training technique now
                                                                     of teaching chimps sign language that any progress was
             employed on children with learning difficulties,
             Dr Pepperberg and her collaborators at the University
             of Arizona began teaching Alex how to describe things,
             how to make his desires known, and even how to ask   E   However, not all animals which live in groups can be
             questions.                                              classified in this way. Flocks of, say, starlings or herds of
                                                                     wildebeest do not count as real societies, just protective
                                                                     groupings. But parrots such as Alex live in societies in the
          B   And the fact that there were a lot of collaborators, even
                                                                     wild, in the way that monkeys and apes do, and thus, Dr
             strangers, involved in the project was crucial. Researchers
                                                                     Pepperberg reasoned, Alex might have evolved advanced
             in this area live in perpetual fear of the ‘Clever Hans’
                                                                     cognitive abilities.
             effect. This is named after a horse that seemed to be
             able to count, but was actually reacting to unconscious
             cues from his trainer. Alex would talk to and perform for   F   The dictionary definition of to parrot is to repeat exactly
             anyone, not just Dr Pepperberg.                         what someone says without understanding it. It is used
                                                                     about politicians who simply repeat the party line, or
                                                                     schoolchildren who learn facts by heart. Dr Pepperberg’s
          C   Dr Pepperberg’s reason for suspecting that they might –
                                                                     experiments with Alex have helped to demonstrate the
             and thus her second reason for picking a parrot – was that
                                                                     validity of this usage.
             in the mid-1970s evolutionary explanations for behaviour
             were coming back into vogue. A British researcher called
             Nicholas Humphrey had proposed that intelligence     G   This novel approach came to Dr Pepperberg, a theoretical
             evolves in response to the social environment rather than   chemist, in 1977. To follow it up, she went to a pet shop
             the natural one. The more complex the society an animal   and bought an African Grey parrot, which was then just a
             lives in, the more intelligence it needs to prosper.    year old. Thus began one of the best-known double acts
                                                                     in the field of animal-behaviour science.

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