Page 137 - Complete Advanced SB-
P. 137                                                                                         Unit 12

        5  Complete this text with the correct article: a/an,        Tokyo is a capital of Japan.
          the or no article (Ø). For some gaps, more than one        Nowadays the technology is everywhere.
          answer is possible.                                        I have basic knowledge of French, German and
                                                                     Even though he hasn’t got the degree, he should find
                                                                     the work in the IT.

                                                                7  Work in pairs. First discuss why the words in bold
                                                                  are used in the following sentences, and then talk
                                                                  about the subjects themselves.
                                                                  t  5IF first thing you remember
                                                                  t  5IF most frightening or UIF most exciting thing that
                                                                     has happened to you
                                                                  t  " job you’d like to do
                                                                  t  5IF advantages and disadvantages of being single (or

         (1)       South China tiger population was estimated   Vocabulary
         to number 4,000 individuals in (2)    early 1950s,
                                                                8PSE GPSNBUJPO
         but over (3)      following 30 years, approximately
         3,000 tigers were killed as the subspecies was officially   1  What are the noun forms for each of these verbs
         hunted as (4)      pest. Although (5)      Chinese       from the article about Alex the parrot?
         government banned (6)        hunting in 1979, and
                                                                  apologise communicate conclude convince
         declared the tiger’s survival (7)    conservation
                                                                  describe perform propose prosper suspect
         priority, by 1996 (8)    surviving population was
         estimated to be less  than (9)    hundred individuals.
                                                                2  What are the verbs related to these nouns from the
         And, as no tiger has been sighted in (10)    wild        article?
         for more than 25 years, (11)     scientists believe
         that it is ‘functionally extinct’. It is thought that even   assumption behaviour combination evolution
         if (12)      few individuals remain, the existing        explanation progress response
         protected areas or (13)     habitat are not sufficiently
         large or undisturbed to sustain (14)    viable tiger   3  Some words, like progress and suspect, can be nouns
         population.                                              or verbs.
                                                                  t  If they are used as verbs, the stress is on the second
                                                                     syllable: Some researchers sus'pect that Alex’s abilities
        6       The following sentences contain mistakes with        are no more than a circus trick.
          articles made by exam candidates. There may be          t  If they are used as nouns, the stress is on the first
          more than one mistake in each sentence. Find and           syllable: Investigating the case of the strange phone
          correct the mistakes.
                                                                     message, police consider a parrot to be the prime
             Make sure you wear suit and tie if it’s formal occasion.  'suspect.
             You should get job even though you haven’t got high-    Make pairs of sentences using these words as verbs
            level qualifications.                                  and nouns. Then say or read your sentences to a
             This report aims to describe advantages and          partner, putting the stress in the right place.
            disadvantages of green taxes.
             Students can access Internet in their classrooms.    contest convict increase insult export present
             Society needs to provide affordable accommodation    produce progress protest rebel refuse reject
            for homeless.
             A most important thing is to get people talking about
                                                                     QBHF     -BOHVBHF SFGFSFODF  Word formation
            the issues.

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