Page 142 - Complete Advanced SB-
P. 142

                            Vocabulary and grammar review Unit 11

        Vocabulary                                              3  Complete these sentences by writing at, in or on in
                                                                   each of the gaps.
        1  Complete each sentence with the correct form of one        I’ll be waiting    the news stand when you arrive.
          of the phrasal verbs from the box.                          Did you see Ferenc     the conference?
                                                                      Samya is      her third year    university.
          call off  call up  drop out  pay up  put off  sign up
                                                                      Don’t interrupt me while I’m    the phone!
                                                                      We do all our shopping     that big new shopping
             Helen has a bit of free time and has decided to
                               for a cookery course.                 centre       the outskirts of town.
             I tried to       Francesca          , but she’d got      I’d love to spend my holidays    a Pacifi c island!
             her phone turned off.
             The conference has been                  because   Grammar
             not enough people are interested in attending.
             Paul was supposed to come travelling with us but he   4  Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar

             had to                  at the last minute.           meaning to the first, using the word given. Do not
             Mikhail has had to                his holiday till    change the word given. You must use between three
             next month because he has too much work on at the     and six words, including the word given.
             moment.                                                  Dieter missed the plane because he overslept.
             They owe us a lot of money and unless they              806-%
                               soon, we’ll take them to court.       If Dieter had                            missed
        2  Complete each of the sentences below with a phrase        the plane.
          or expression from the box.                                 Nelson didn’t get the job because when he came to
                                                                     his job interview, he arrived late.
          get your hands on  kept waiting  nothing to do with       5*.&
                                                                     If Nelson                             his job
          out of touch  sick and tired of  the whole point of
                                                                     interview, he would have got the job.
          without a trace
                                                                      Eva couldn’t apply for the job in IT because she
                                                                     knows that her computer skills aren’t good enough.
             What I call real travelling has             the        #&55&3
             holiday trips that most tourists tend to go on.         Eva knows that if her computer skills
             With smart phones and internet cafés, there’s no                                     for the job in IT.
             excuse for being                 when travelling         Could you please refund my money as soon as
             nowadays.                                               possible?
             I’m a busy man and I hate being                by      (3"5&'6-
             people who are late.                                    I                             would refund my
             I’m                  people phoning me to sell me       money as soon as possible.
             things and interrupting my work.                         We would have gone swimming if Bruno hadn’t
             If you travel with a group, you miss                    advised us not to.
             travelling, which is to have completely new            '03
             experiences and meet completely new people.             If it                           , we would have
             He disappeared                   somewhere in the       gone swimming.
             Pacifi c, some weeks after setting off in a small boat to      I am only participating in this activity because my
             sail round the world.                                   teacher asked me to.
             If you can                 a good grammar book, it     1"35
             should help you a lot with your exam preparation.
                                                                     I                             this activity if my
                                                                     teacher had not asked me to.

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