Page 141 - Complete Advanced SB-
P. 141                                                                                         Unit 12

        4  What do the words and phrases in italics refer to in   6  Read this writing task and follow the steps below.
          these extracts from the sample proposal?

             The college currently uses twice as much printing    You see this announcement on the notice board of your
            paper as it did two years ago.                        local council.
             This is despite the fact that information is stored on
            computers.                                              The Environmental Planning Committee is
             I suggest that in future no documents should be        organising a campaign to make our town more
            printed unless there is a good reason for doing so.     ‘green’. You are invited to submit a proposal related
             Students and staff should be reminded to turn off all   to your neighbourhood. Present some factual
            lights and equipment when they are not needed.          information about the area, pointing out any
             This adds to our energy consumption.                   relevant environmental issues, and suggest practical
             Students should be advised not to come to the college   measures which individuals and families could take
            unless they have classes.                               to make the neighbourhood more green.
             Public transport or bicycles should be used where this   Write your QSPQPTBM in 220–260 words.
            is possible.
          Why are reference words like these used?
                                                                     Underline the key ideas in the task.
                                                                     Write brief notes under these headings:
        5  Work in pairs.
                                                                    t  'BDUT BCPVU UIF DVSSFOU TJUVBUJPO
             Identify all the passive verbs in the sample proposal.    t   4VHHFTUJPOT GPS JNQSPWFNFOUT  OVNCFS UIFTF JO
             Discuss why the passive has been used in preference to    order of priority)
            the active.                                              Make a paragraph plan and think of suitable headings.
             Which of the following sentences could be rewritten      Write your proposal, using passive verbs where
            using passive verbs?                                     appropriate and any phrases from the following list that
           B  We need to encourage people to use the recycling       may be useful.
           C  If they replaced the air conditioning system, they     buy local produce  dispose of rubbish responsibly
               would waste less electricity.                         recycle waste  save energy  share car journeys
           D  The problem has become worse over the past year.       switch to natural energy  use public transport
           E  The builders should have insulated the roof when
               they constructed the building.
                                                                     QBHF     8SJUJOH SFGFSFODF  Proposals
           F  I believe all residents will agree with this proposal.
           G  At present no one is taking the problem seriously
           H  Engineers have been developing more efficient
               forms of solar heating.
             Rewrite the sentences you have identified and say why
            the others cannot be changed.

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