Page 145 - Complete Advanced SB-
P. 145                                                                                         Unit 13

        4  Now read these questions. How many can you           5     21 Listen to the recording again. For questions
          already answer?                                         1–6 choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which fits best

             Which of these explanations for the possible increase   according to what you hear.
            in allergies does the programme presenter mention in
            her introduction?                                   6  Work in pairs.
           "  People are exposed to more pollen and other            Would you be prepared to do without air conditioning
               substances causing allergies than in the past.        and central heating if you were sure that this would
           #  People’s resistance to substances which cause          lead to a reduction in allergies?
               allergies is lower than in the past.                  Do you agree that our modern culture is obsessive
           $  New allergy-causing substances are being released      about cleanliness?
               into the atmosphere.
           %  Higher levels of stress have made people more
               prone to allergies.                              Vocabulary
                                                                1SFQPTJUJPOT GPMMPXJOH BEKFDUJWFT
             Which of these questions does the first caller, Tim,
            want to know the answer to?                         1  Complete these extracts from Listening Part 3 with
           "  What is the cause of his allergy?                   the correct prepositions.
           #  Why is he allergic to grass and pollen?
           $  Will he ever be free of the allergy?                   These days we’re all too familiar     the word
           % How can he improve his condition?                       allergy.
                                                                     I’m allergic       pollen from grass and certain
             According to the doctor,                                trees.
           "  allergies are most likely to affect the very young.     Vaccinations may make children less resistant
           #  allergies often start between the ages of thirteen     allergens.
               and twenty.                                           We are getting better        diagnosing and
           $  allergies can start at any age.                        treating some allergies.
           % some elderly people are immune to allergies.            Some experts believe that in this modern age we’re
             Arabella, the caller from Amsterdam,                    obsessed          cleanliness.
           "  thinks she may have passed on her allergy to her   2      Exam candidates often make mistakes with
               children.                                          prepositions after adjectives. Seven of the following
           #  asks how she can minimise the risk of her children   sentences contain mistakes and one is correct.
               having allergies.                                  Correct the mistakes.
           $  wants to know whether her peanut allergy will
               persist.                                              We sincerely apologise and hope this 10% discount will
           % wants to know if her allergy can be inherited.          be acceptable by you.
                                                                     Drivers exceeding the speed limit are responsible for
             According to the doctor, if one parent has a particular   90% of accidents in the city.
            allergy, that child                                      I am delighted for your invitation and look forward to
           "  will probably have the same allergy.                   seeing you at the event.
           #  has no higher risk than any other child of developing      Living on the outskirts of the city is very convenient to
               that allergy.                                         the motorway system.
           $  could develop a different allergy.                     Teachers should try to be sensitive for the needs of
           %  s at a slightly higher risk of developing an allergy   their students.
               than any other child.                                 That part of the stadium is closed for visitors – it’s for
             According to the doctor, some people believe that the   athletes only.
            main reason more young children are suffering from       She is someone who isn’t aware with what is going on
            asthma is because                                        in the news.
           "  modern buildings are centrally heated or air-          I hope you will be capable to putting your plans into
               conditioned.                                          practice.
           #  of toxic emissions from cars and other vehicles.
                                                                     QBHF     -BOHVBHF SFGFSFODF  Dependent prepositions
           $  they spend too much time in hygienic environments.
           % of medicines used to treat illnesses.

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