Page 149 - Complete Advanced SB-
P. 149                                                                                         Unit 13

           Unusual national sports
           A     Glíma is by far the oldest form of wrestling in   D     Lacrosse is an outdoor team sport in which

              Iceland. The most widespread version of the             players use netted sticks to pass and catch a
              sport is Brokartök glíma, in which two wrestlers        hard rubber ball. The aim is to score goals by
              attempt to trip and throw each other by grasping        propelling the ball into the opponent’s goal. The
              a belt worn around their opponent’s waist               team which scores more goals wins. Lacrosse
              and thighs. To win, a wrestler must make his            is Canada’s national summer sport and is also
              opponent touch the ground with a part of his            becoming more and more popular in the USA.
              body between the elbow and the knee. Wrestlers          Each team is composed of ten players: three
              have to stand straight and are not allowed to           attackers, three midfielders, three defenders and

              fall on their opponents or to push them down            one goaltender. In men’s lacrosse, players wear
              by force. Most importantly, when they are               protective equipment on their heads, shoulders,
              fighting they should always look over each               arms and hands, as body-checking is an integral

              other’s shoulders, because it is considered more        part of the men’s game and stick-checks to the
              gentlemanly to wrestle by touch and feel than           arms and hands are considered legal.
              by sight. This form of glíma has always been a
              friendly recreational sport, but there are other
              versions which are played much more violently.       E     Tejo is a Colombian sport in which players hurl
                                                                      a metallic plate weighing around two kilograms

                                                                      through the air to try to hit a clay-filled box with
          B     Hurling is an outdoor sport played mainly in          gunpowder in the middle. When the disc hits
              Ireland. Players use an axe-shaped wooden stick,        this target, there is a loud explosion. Whichever
              called a hurley, to hit a small ball between the        team causes more explosions wins. Turmeque,
              other team’s goalposts, either over or under the        a much more ancient version of the sport, has
              crossbar. Fewer points are scored if the ball goes      been played for over 500 years by the indigenous
              over the crossbar. The ball can be caught in the        groups living in the different parts of Colombia.
              hand and carried for no more than four steps, or        The modern game itself is no different from this,
              hit in the air or on the ground with the stick. It      except that today players use a metal disc rather
              can also be kicked or slapped with an open hand.        than one made of gold or stone. Nowadays in
              A player who wants to carry the ball further than       Colombia it is very common to fi nd professional
              three steps has to bounce or balance it on the          tejo teams in the major cities and towns. Most
              end of the stick. No special clothing or padding        teams are sponsored by local companies.
              is worn by players, but a plastic helmet with a
              faceguard is recommended.

                                                                   6  Which words or phrases in the texts gave you the
          C     The official national sport of Argentina is Pato,     information you needed to answer the questions?

              a game which is played on horseback and
              combines elements of two other sports: polo and       Example
              basketball. The sport, which is thought to have           equipment: wooden stick (hurley),
              begun over four hundred years ago, consists of           parts of the body: foot (kicked), hand (slapped with the open hand)
              two teams of four members each. Teams fi ght for

                                                                   7  Work in pairs. Which of the five sports you have
              possession of a ball which has six conveniently
              sized handles, and score by throwing the ball          read about would you like to try? Are there any
              through vertically positioned rings, located at        you would refuse to play? Give your reasons.
              the top of three-metre-high poles. A closed net,
              extending downwards, holds the ball after goals
              are scored. The winning team is the one with
              the most goals scored after six periods of eight
              minutes. The word pato is the Spanish for duck,
              as in the past, instead of using a ball, a live duck
              was used inside a basket.
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