Page 146 - Complete Advanced SB-
P. 146
        Health and lifestyle

        Grammar                                                 4  We can also use despite / in spite of (the fact that) to
                                                                  express contrast. Which two sentences in Exercise 3
        8BZT PG DPOUSBTUJOH JEFBT                                 can you change to use one of these, and what other
                                                                  changes would you have to make?
        1  In these extracts from Listening Part 3, underline
          words and phrases used to point out a contrast        5       Exam candidates sometimes make mistakes in
          between two facts or ideas.                             their use of link words for contrast. Find and correct
             Someone who was allergic to eggs would find it fairly   the mistakes in each of these sentences. (There are
            easy to avoid eating anything containing eggs, whereas   several possible ways of correcting them.)
            you would find it impossible to avoid all contact with      Despite you are not a mechanic, you should learn to
            pollen.                                                  understand how cars work.
             I have to be really careful about foods which contain      There are several kinds of snacks you can have
            peanuts, but what I’d like to know is …                  between 9.00 am and 6.00 pm, however hot meals are
             In the case of your child, this would rise to 20%.      limited to lunchtime.
            However, if the child’s father also had an allergy, this      However he was usually a very efficient teacher, he
            risk would increase to 40%.                              wasn’t available when I needed this information.
             Even though we are getting better at diagnosing and      I appreciate being asked to give this talk again. Though
            treating some allergies, there is a year-on-year increase   I would like to suggest ways of improving this year’s
            in the number of patients with asthma.                   event.
             Some experts believe we’re obsessed with cleanliness,      We used to have only a few TV channels, where
            while others believe that vaccinations to protect our    nowadays we have many more choices.
            children may actually weaken their immune system.        While he left school at the age of sixteen, he went on
        2  Work in pairs. Discuss these questions about the          to become one of the most famous politicians of his
          words/phrases you have underlined in Exercise 1.           generation.
             Which words or phrases contrast facts or ideas in a   6  Complete these sentences with your own endings.
            single sentence?    
                                                                     I don’t mind going to the dentist, but …
             Of these, which words or phrases must be placed         I realise that it’s very important to keep fit. However, …
            between the two clauses?                                 Whereas most people I know go to the gym at least
             Which word is an adverb which contrasts facts or ideas   twice a week, I …
            in separate sentences?                                   Even though many people eat better food than they
             What other contrasting words and phrases do you know?   did a hundred years ago, …
             Which words or phrases could replace whereas and
            even though in sentences 1 and 4?
                                                                Speaking | 1BSU
             QBHF     -BOHVBHF SFGFSFODF  Ways of contrasting ideas
                                                                1  Do the exercise in the Exam round-up box.
        3  Complete the following sentences using words from
          the box.                                               Exam round-up
                                                                 Say if the following statements are true (T) or false (F). If a
          although but even though however whereas
                                                                 statement is false, rewrite it to make it true.
             I recognised you as soon as I saw you,              In Speaking Part 2
            we’d never met before.                                  you have to speak about three photos
             Some people seem to enjoy cold, rainy weather,         you have to answer three questions about the photos
                         I’m not one of them.                       each candidate has to speak for one minute
             Adults can be slow to learn new skills,                you should not try to describe the photos in detail
            children pick things up very quickly.                   you have to answer a question on your partner’s photos
             We thought the case was over.           , new          if you notice that you’ve made a mistake, don’t correct it.
            evidence has just come to light.
                         I’ve been here twice before, I’d forgotten
            where the post office was.

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