Page 143 - Complete Advanced SB-
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                            Vocabulary and grammar review Unit 12

        Vocabulary                                              Grammar

        1  Use the word given in capitals to form a word that   3  Complete this text with a/an, the or Ø (no article).

          fits in the gap in each of these  sentences.
                                                                  For some years, (1)      global warming, which
             I don’t know why everyone’s being so
                                                                  is  the gradual heating of (2)    Earth, was
             towards me. I’ve done nothing wrong.  FRIEND
             Global warming is one of the world’s most serious    (3)       topic of heated debate in (4)    scientifi c
                                                                  community, but today the consensus among (5)
                         problems.  ENVIRONMENT                   researchers is that (6)    phenomenon is real
             It can be diffi cult for people with certain
                                                                  and is caused by (7)     human activity, primarily
             to fi nd a job.  ABLE                                 (8)       burning of fossil fuels that pump (9)
             She has an extensive           of French
                                                                  carbon dioxide and (10)      other greenhouse
             history. KNOW                                        gases into (11)     atmosphere. Scientists have
             You can tell from his          that he spends a lot   found that the number and severity of (12)
             of money on clothes.  APPEAR                         extreme weather events, which include high or low
             In this job you have to be original and to think     temperatures and intense storms, are (13)
                         .  CREATE                                effective measure of (14)     climate change and
             I hope my solicitor will be able to       my         global warming. Indeed it is now agreed that global
             legal situation.  CLEAR                              warming will have (15)      far-reaching and, in
             Yesterday there was a sudden downward                many cases, devastating consequences for (16)
             in share prices.  MOVE
        2  Two of these sentences are correct, but the others
          contain mistakes with prepositions. Correct the       4  Read the text below and think of the word that best

          mistakes.                                                fits each gap. Use only one word in each gap.
             Over a hundred thousand people participated with     What is biofuel?
             yesterday’s marathon.
             Whether we go skiing or not depends to the weather   A biofuel is a hydrocarbon (0)  that   is made by or from
             and the state of the snow.                           a living organism that humans can use (1)    power
             Do you have anything useful to contribute in our     something. This defi nition of a biofuel is rather formal.
             discussion?                                          (2)      practice, any hydrocarbon fuel that is produced
             This morning’s lecture will focus on Picasso’s early   from organic matter in a short period of time is considered
             work.                                                a biofuel. This contrasts (3)    fossil fuels, which take
             You needn’t fi ll in that section of the form – it doesn’t
                                                                  millions of years to form, and with other types of fuel
             apply for you.
             If the CD doesn’t play properly, I’d take it back to the   which are (4)    based on hydrocarbons – nuclear
                                                                  fi ssion, for instance.
             shop and insist for a refund.
             Can you turn the TV down? I can’t concentrate to what   What makes biofuels tricky to understand is that they
             you’re saying.                                       (5)      not be made by a living organism. Biofuels can
             Do you believe in supernatural phenomena?
                                                                  also be made through chemical reactions, carried (6)
                                                                  in a laboratory or industrial setting that uses organic matter
                                                                  to make fuel. (7)    only real requirements for a biofuel
                                                                  are that the starting material must be CO  that was fi xed
                                                                  by a living organism and the fi nal fuel product must be
                                                                  produced quickly (8)    than over millions of years.

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