Page 138 - Complete Advanced SB-
P. 138
        The living world

     1                              2                             3

                                                                3  Read these Part 3 written prompts and spend a few
                                                                  moments thinking about possible answers.

                                                                    Flooding                               Forest fi res
                                                                                        How can
                                                                                      each of these
                                                                                      threats affect
                                                                                     people’s lives?
                                                                    Pollution                              Fossil fuel

        Speaking | 1BSU                                                                 Drought

        1  Do the exercise in the Exam round-up box.

        Exam round-up                                           4     19 Listen to two candidates discussing the
                                                                  prompts in Exercise 3.
         Circle the correct alternative in italics.
                                                                     How well do they describe how the fi ve threats can
         In Speaking Part 3
                                                                     affect people’s lives?
            you speak to your partner / the examiner
                                                                     How could their discussion be improved?
            you will be given a set of pictures / written prompts
           to talk about                                        5     20 Now listen to the examiner’s fi nal instruction
            you and your partner will be expected to talk for     in Part 3 and the discussion that follows. Do the
           three / four minutes                                   candidates reach agreement?
            communication skills are more / less important than
           expressing correct opinions                          6  Work in pairs. Discuss the prompts in Exercise 3.
            you must / need not agree with your partner.          t  Try to describe clearly how the threats can affect
                                                                     people’s lives.
                                                                  t  Include some of the compound nouns in the list below
        2  Look at the three photos showing environmental
          problems. Discuss these questions.                         in your discussions.
             What problems do the photos show? Make a two-word       t  m SF SJTL  m SF EBNBHF  JOTVSBODF DPTUT
            phrase for each photo by choosing words from this list.  t  EFTFSU SFHJPO  XBUFS TIPSUBHF  DSPQ GBJMVSF
                                                                     t  SBJOGPSFTU  GBSNMBOE  DBTI DSPQT
            air clearance conditions consumption damage
                                                                     t  FYIBVTU GVNFT  WFIJDMF FNJTTJPOT  GBDUPSZ DIJNOFZT
            drought fi res  fl ood forest fossil fuel pollution
                                                                       breathing diffi culties
                                                                     t  n PPE XBUFS T   n PPE EFGFODFT   SJWFS CBOLT
             Use the remaining words in the list to make phrases for   t  PJM SJH   GVFM DPOTVNQUJPO   GVFM TIPSUBHF T
            three other environmental problems.
             To what extent are humans to blame for the problems?  t  Finally, try to reach agreement about which
                                                                     environmental problem poses the greatest threat.

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