Page 133 - Complete Advanced SB-
P. 133                                                                                         Unit 12

                                                                5  Discuss these questions.
                                                                     Are there other groups of people who are suffering
                                                                     directly from climate change? What can be done to
                                                                     help groups like this?
                                                                     What ‘traditional knowledge’ is associated with your
                                                                     culture? How do people view this knowledge today?

                                                                1SFQPTJUJPOT GPMMPXJOH WFSCT

                                                                1  Circle the correct prepositions in italics in these
        3     17 Listen to the brief introduction to the talk        The daily weather markers on / for which they have
          about the Inuit people. What information does              relied for thousands of years are becoming less
          the speaker give about the natural resources you           predictable.
          discussed in Exercise 2?                                   The Inuit elders and hunters who depend of / on the
                                                                     land are also disturbed.
        4     18 Now listen to a professor of anthropology           These feelings are not simply based on / to Inuit
          talking about problems facing the Inuit people. For        superstition.
          questions 1–8, complete the sentences with a short         Scientists are now paying attention to what the Inuit
          word or phrase.                                            are reporting, and are incorporating it into / on their

          Professor Moore believes that the majority of              They have adapted for / to the cold climate.
            (1)                        are likely to be familiar      She doesn’t try to blame anyone for / on the change in
            with the concept of global warming.                      her environment.
          The Inuit are alarmed by the damage which is occurring   2    Exam candidates sometimes use the wrong
            to their (2)                      , which is          prepositions after verbs. Correct the mistakes in
            characterised by such phenomena as melting ice        these sentences.
                                                                     Many people firmly believe to the traditional wisdom of
          A ring around the moon was one of the                      their ancestors.
                                       which the Inuit people        It is difficult to concentrate in your work if there is loud
            used to rely on.                                         music playing.
                                                                     I recently participated on a charity event at my college.
          Elderly Inuit people give                        of
            wildlife suffering as a result of climate change.        The company is insisting in the use of low-energy light
                                                                     bulbs in their offices.
          The belief of the Inuit people that the Arctic is melting      The government will double the amount it spends in
            is now supported by (5)                       .          the environment.

          Warning signs include the erosion of                       Every flight you take contributes with global warming.
            (6)                        and the disappearance         Many TV documentaries are now focusing in
            of lakes.                                                environmental issues.
                                                                     The new energy-saving laws apply for all factories and
          George Hobson believes the Inuit people have survived      offices.
            because they have a (7)                       of
            their environment.                                       QBHF     -BOHVBHF SFGFSFODF  Dependent prepositions

          The elderly Inuit woman believes that her people may
            be unable to (8)                       to what is
            happening to the environment.

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