Page 128 - Complete Advanced SB-
P. 128
        Being somewhere else

        Vocabulary                                              Reading and Use of English | 1BSU

        at  in BOE on UP FYQSFTT MPDBUJPO                       1  Before doing Reading and Use of English Part 2,
                                                                  answer the questions in the Exam round-up box.
        1  Complete the sentences below with at, in or on. Then
          check your answers by looking again at the text in
          Reading and Use of English Part 5.                     Exam round-up
                                                                 Work in pairs. How much do you remember about
             I wanted the pleasure of being    Africa again.
             There I had lived and worked,    the heart of the   Reading and Use of English Part 2? Discuss these
            greenest continent.                                  questions.
             Folks lived their lives    bush paths     the end      How many questions are there in this part?
            of unpaved roads of red clay,    villages of grass-     What should you do before you start fi lling the gaps?
            roofed huts.                                            If you can’t think of a word for a gap, what should you
             ... women bent double – most with infants slung        do?
            their backs.                                            How important is correct spelling?
             If you are thoroughly sick of being kept waiting         What should you do when you have fi nished?
            home or        work, travel is perfect.
             People knew when to call me, they knew when I would   2  Work in pairs. Some people suggest that in the
            be        my desk.                                    future virtual travel using computer and internet
             Everyone always available at any time    the totally   technology may replace real travel.
            accessible world seemed to me pure horror.
                                                                     What advantages would virtual travel have over real
        2  Work in pairs. Which preposition, at, in or on, is used   travel?
          to talk about the following? Find examples for each        Would you prefer it?
          rule in Exercise 1.
                                                                3  You will read a short article about two people who
          B  a position which is thought of as a point, not an    were searching for an island. Read the article
            area  at (3, 6)     
                                                                  quickly, without paying attention to the gaps, to fi nd
          C  a position in contact with a surface                 out how they found the island.
          D  a position along a border or boundary (e.g. the coast,
            the ocean) or along something which connects two      Island wanted
            places (e.g. a road, a river)
          E  a position within a larger area or space             A few years ago, Ben Keene and Mark James launched
                                                                  Tribewanted (0)     in     in a torrent of media
             QBHF     -BOHVBHF SFGFSFODF  at, in and on to express location
                                                                  coverage. (1)            they had had was a simple
        3       Each of these sentences contains a mistake        idea with potentially enormous consequences for
          with prepositions made by exam candidates. Correct      tourism: the creation of an eco-friendly sustainable
          the mistakes.                                           community existing simultaneously in the virtual world
                                                                  of the Internet and (2)          an actual desert
             I come from Mendoza, a town of Argentina.
             I’d like to introduce you to my boss, whose offi ce is at   island.

            the 5th fl oor.                                        How do you go (3)             finding an island?
             Portugal is one of the most beautiful countries of the   Where (4)         would you look but on the
            world.                                                Internet? Ben and Mark could have bought islands
             Public phones are available at almost every large    anywhere in the world (5)           that they had
            square.                                               been able to pay the typical starting price of one million
             She spends far too long talking at her mobile phone.  dollars. They were not having much luck (6)
             There’s a garage at the left and I live just two doors   their searches finally led them to a specialist island

            along from it.                                        broker who pointed them towards Vorovoro, off the wild
             We waited at a queue for more than twenty minutes.   north coast of Fiji. With just (7)       money on
             You will fi nd a youth hostel in almost every island.  Ben’s credit card for two return tickets, they decided to
             You’ll fi nd a large shopping centre at the outskirts of   have a look. No (8)      had they seen it than
            the city.                                             they decided to buy it.
             She decided to go and live for a year to Italy.
                                                                  Adapted from The Guardian
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