Page 131 - Complete Advanced SB-
P. 131                                                                                         Unit 11

        traffi c and perhaps from other boisterous guests.
        Unfortunately, the hotel lacks a restaurant, so you’ll
        have to fi nd your own breakfast in one of the many      7  Work in pairs.
        cafés nearby. However, the staff are friendly and helpful.      How would you describe the style of the review?
        6               the hotel has bicycles available for its     Choose a, b or c and give reasons for your choice.
        guests to explore this beautiful city at their leisure.    B  very colloquial and informal
                                                                   C  informative, but with some informal features; it
        Peter the Great Hotel is an elegant, moderately-sized          addresses the reader personally
        business hotel situated in a converted neoclassical        D  formal and academic
        palace not far from the statue of the Bronze
                                                                     The style in which the exam task is written often
        Horseman, with fabulous views across the Neva River.
                                                                     indicates the style in which the answer can be written.
    AW 11.26 R hotel review.  Superscript for numbers 1–9.   of well-equipped conference rooms  8     8  Prepare to write your own review.
                        its fi ve stars indicate, the hotel offers
                                                                     Which two style features of the task in Exercise 1 are
        luxurious, spacious rooms at a price. It contains a range
                                                                     also used in the sample review?
        a gourmet restaurant allowing business people to
        entertain clients in style. The management and staff
                                                                  t  Make any changes you want to your plan in Exercise 3.
        are competent and professional, as you’d expect,
                                                                  t  Consider whether you want to use any of the adjectives
        and will organise trips and events to make your stay
                                                                     you noted in Exercise 6.
                        productive but pleasurable too.
                                                                  t  Underline any other words and phrases you would like
                                                                     to use from Exercises 4 and 5.
        Whichever hotel you stay at, St Petersburg won’t fail to
                                                                9  Write your review.
        delight you.
                                                                     QBHF     8SJUJOH SFGFSFODF  Reviews
        5  Complete the review in Exercise 4 by writing one of
          these linking words/phrases in each gap.
                                                                 Exam advice
          an added attraction is that  as (x2)                   You will often have to compare two things in
          both equally however not only                          your review.
          though together with                                   t   Think about your target readers and what
                                                                    information they need.
        6  Read the review again and note down adjectives        t   Write a plan thinking about each of the
          used to describe                                          things you want to describe and in what
             the hotels in general
                                                                 t   Decide what recommendation(s) you are
             the rooms
             the staff.                                             going to make and include them in your

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